OBAMA TRIED TO STONEWALL AND INFLUENCE THIS INVESTIGATION BUT THE US ARMY DID THE RIGHT THING. BERGDAHL WILL BE CHARGED WITH DESERTION. This is the deserter that Obama traded for releasing five high-ranking Talibans because of his personal bias toward blacks and Muslims regardless if they are perpetrators. Isnt that obvious with Obama coddling to thugs because theyre blacks and to enemies of freedom like the terrorist groups Arab Spring and the Muslim Brotherhood and to Cubas Castro because they share the same ideology (Communism and Socialism)? OBAMA IS A RACIST! In case some of you are not familiar with Bowe Bergdahl heres a little background for you. Bergdahl was a soldier (still is pending on the charges) who deserted a number of times because he said he shared the sentiments of the enemies. He and his family became Muslim-converts. He deserted few times before to seek for his captors. The last time he deserted, he left a note telling his platoon what he was doing. His comrades searched for him and were under attack. SIX OF THEM DIED SEARCHING FOR BERGDAHL. He may have also corroborated with the Talibans giving them information regarding his units location or position that resulted in more deaths. That is not revealed yet. Fast forward five years later; Obama traded him for the release of five top Talibans who would most likely attack us again. THIS WAS DONE ILLEGALLY WITHOUT CONGRESS KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL. Obama broke the laws but he didnt care! He thinks and acts like he is omnipotent with unapologetic hubris befitting of the moniker as Emperor Obama. What the Emperor wants, the Emperor gets or tries his darndest with his combative narratives. Obamas repeated violation of the constitution and his lawlessness were criticized even by his own party and supporters. Obama gave Begdahls parents televised photo-ops at the White House, hugging them and praising them. The hypocrisy made my skin crawl since he refused to lift a finger to rescue a DECORATED MARINE inadvertently jailed in Mexico because the Marine is not black or a Muslim. NO THANKS to OBAMA BUT THANKS TO FOX NEWS that gave this worthy soldier a coverage to raise awareness of his plight because the liberal media hardly cover anything that gives negative publicity to Obama and to the liberal agenda. With all of Obamas actions that undermine our military and national security, should congress give in to Obamas demands to be allowed blanket authority to make secret deals with Iran? NO WAY! His actions have been to the advantage of our enemies like the recent negotiation with Cuba. The US got the shorter end of the bargain considering the leverage we have. Now, Obama has faltered (again) in that negotiation. He failed in his red line narrative on Syria giving Putin a chance to take on leadership and again with Iran. Now, Obama is again trying to secretly negotiate with Iran that prompted his own partys Senator Bob Menendez criticism calling it, TALKING POINTS OUT OF TEHRAN. How can we trust a president whose past actions and background are ANTI-AMERICA? Just look at the chaos he has wrought in the countrys economy, racial division, class-warfare, scandals and crises resulting from his lies and manipulation of the truth and chaos here and abroad as a result of his ineptitude and arrogance. theblaze/stories/2015/01/26/report-army-sgt-bowe-bergdahl-to-be-charged-for-desertion-here-are-the-details/
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 15:29:57 +0000

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