OBAMA is letting Terrorists OUT OF GUANTANAMO to return to KILL - TopicsExpress


OBAMA is letting Terrorists OUT OF GUANTANAMO to return to KILL MORE AMERICANS. Weve had Paris Style TERRORIST ATTACKS RIGHT HERE IN AMERICA ALREADY. Remember Texas where the Soldier killed his fellow soldiers. The Muslim that tried to convert Christians and a woman working there warned everyone in sight. When it didnt work he beheads them. What did the media and OBAMA call it WORK PLACE VIOLENCE. How about the BOSTON BOMBERS. Weve had Terrorism since 9/11 but that counters OBAMAs statements that WE ARE SAFER THAN WE HAVE EVER BEEN! YEA RIGHT. A N D OBAMA continues to release Terrorists we have ALREADY CAUGHT and trades five of them for an American soldier who turns out to be AWOL from the Army. They blew up TWO embassies in Africa killing hundreds. REMEBER the 134 children in a school MURDERED by RADICAL MUSLIMS in Afghanistan several weeks ago. WELL GUESS WHAT?. They way OBAMA releases proven terrorists from Guantanamo I will not be surprised (GOD FORBID) that they will be doing France and Afghanistan and Nairobi style TERRORIST ACTS RIGHT HERE in the UNITED STATES BECAUSE our COMMANDER IN CHIEF DOES NOT HAVE THE GUTS TO CALL EXTEMIST MUSLIM TERRORISM EXACTLY THAT TERRORISM; calling it WORKPLACE VIOLENCE. REMEMBER WHEN OBAMA AND his minions like Hillary Clinton let 4 AMERICANS including the Ambassador get murdered and then blaming some Koran as the cause so he would get reelected running on a platform that Terrorism is UNDER CONTROL. AND NOW President OBAMA OPENS THE BORDER to these KILLERS, TERRORISTS, MURDERERS, GANG MEMBERS and DRUG and HUMAN TRAFFICKERS and DIPERSES THEM AMONGST US with DRIVERS LICENCES and JOBS. WOW Talk about America turning into a ALICE IN WONDERLAND UPSIDE DOWN! I warned everyone years ago it would come to this to elect this SOCIALIST COMMUNIST, ULTRALIBERAL PROGRESSIVE as YOUR COMMANDER IN CHIEF. Gruber who said the American voter is stupid and OBAMA TELLING YOU who you are going use as a doctor (AND ALL OF IT CAUGHT ON VIDEOTAPE) is the beginning of the end of FREEDOM in AMERICA. BECAUSE OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS ARE SPINELESS COWARDS not willing to do what they took an oath to DO. To protect the American public from harm.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 16:08:26 +0000

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