OBAMAS JIHAD AGAINST RUSSIA DRAGS AMERICA INTO NEW DEPTHS OF SHAME 03-02-14 I had dinner with my mother last night. She works quite a bit, and isn’t really the sort to pay particularly close attention to current events. But she had heard about the situation in the Ukraine, and asked me about it. I was of course happy to tell her the whole story. I love being asked for information that I have in my possession. After twenty minutes or so of ranting, giving the situation on the ground and what led to it, filling in quite a bit of background info, she said “okay, so you support Russia then. Well, what is Obama’s position?” I said “Obama’s working for the Jews – his position is the Jew position!” “Okay,” she said, “but that’s not what he’s telling the people, as to why he wants to fight Russia.” I stared at her blankly. I realized I had no idea what Obama is actually saying to the people, or what the people are thinking of what he is saying. I mean, I knew the words that came out of his mouth, but I had no conception of what he thought he was communicating or what a person who doesn’t understand the Jewish hand behind all of this would be left thinking. When things were getting really hot last week, just before the fake-out deal was signed by Yanukovych and the militants, Obama had addressed the deaths of the revolutionaries, calling them “peaceful protestors.” As people were watching them burn down Kiev and seize government buildings, he rambled in a confused, seemingly drug-addled manner, saying “there will be consequences if people step over the line,” a threat to punish the democratically elected government of the Ukraine for attempting to keep the peace during a violent government overthrow. dailystormer/obamas-jihad-against-russia-drags-america-into-new-depths-of-shame/
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 23:29:33 +0000

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