OBAMAS NOMINEE FOR US ATTORNEY GENERAL, LORETTA LYNCH, HAS SAID THAT VOTER ID LAWS ARE MADE BY RACIST SOUTHERNERS I think that Obamas black appointees are typical racist blacks with no commitment to rule by law under the Constitution, and an intent to keep political power by illegal voters when necessary... while Obama claims the power to make and modify laws by decree(executive order). That makes me more determined to take back our country. The right to vote in US elections is not universal, but limited to eligible citizens! Children, convicted felons, and illegal aliens are not allowed. Requiring proof of eligibility is NOT RACIST! Excerpts from Lynchs speech: “People tell us the Dream is not realized because dreams never are. Mandela and King knew we had to continue working, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell you, that under this President and under this Attorney General, that the Department of Justice is committed to following through with those dreams. 50 years after the march on Washington, 50 years after the civil rights movement, we stand in this country at a time when we see people trying to take back so much of what Dr. King fought for. We stand in this country. People try and take over the State House and reverse the goals that have been made in voting in this country. “But I’m proud to tell you that the Department of Justice has looked at these laws and looked at what’s happening in the Deep South, and in my home state of North Carolina has brought lawsuits against those voting rights changes that seek to limit our ability to stand up and exercise our rights as citizens. And those lawsuits will continue.” thepunditpress/2014/11/08/obama-ag-nominee-lynch-voter-id-laws-were-passed-by-racist-southerners-must-be-stopped/
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 13:58:37 +0000

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