OBEDIAH WHITE STAGE STOP DEEDS FRANKLIN CO DEEDS: Obadiah & Lucy WHITE TO David GOODE: Franklin Co VA DB6, p247-8: 03 Feb 1812 This indenture made this 3rd day of Feb 1812 between Obadiah White & Lucy his wife of Franklin Co of the one part, David Goode of the county aforesaid of the other part, witnesseth that the sd Obadiah White & Lucy his wife for and in consideration of $400 lawfull money of VA to them in have pd by the sd David Goode the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained, sold & do by these presents Bargain sell and deliver unto the sd David Goode his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county aforesaid on the branches of Town Creek and bounded as followeth to wit Beg.g at HOPKINS corner red oak in his own line thence with HOPKINs line S 29 degrees E 322 poles to BARKSDALE corner pointer & with his line S 25 1/2 E 140 poles to a post oak in JAMES MARTINs line & with it N 13 E 162 poles to a Chestnut tree in JASPER HOWSERs line and with it S 33 W 30 poles to pointers N 47 W 120 poles pointers N 17 W 36 poles to pointers on Coals road N 32 W 152 poles to a black oak N 23 W 88 poles to pointers N 73 1/2 8 poles to a red oak N 55 1/2 W 44 poles to pointers in his own line and with it S 3 W 45 to a Chesnut oak N 60 W 107 poles crossing Coals road to pointers S 32 W 182 poles to black oak S 33 E 80 poles to pointers S 15 E 52 poles to pointers N 38 E 11 poles to a white oak N 75 E 154 poles crossing Chesnut Creek to the Beg.g Together with all its appertenances thereunto belonging or in any wise apertaining to have and to hold the abv mentioned tract or parcel of land with the tenaments herediteryments & all and singular other the premises or intended to be bargained and sold unto the sd David Goode his heirs or assigns forever to and for the only proper use and behoofs of him the sd David Goode his heirs and assigns free from the claim or claims of them the said Obadiah White & Lucy his wife or either of them or either of their heirs or assigns, & of all and every person or persons whatsoever shall will and do by these presents warrant and defend. In witness whereunto we Obadiah White and Lucy his wife have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year above written. Obadiah White Lucy White At a Court held for Franklin Co Feb 3rd 1812 This indenture of bargain and sale between Obadiah White and Lucy his wife of the one part & David Goode of the other part, was acknowledged by the sd Obadiah White & Lucy his wife. The sd Lucy being first privately examined according to law, voluntarily relinguished her right of dower in and to the land and premises conveyed by the said indenture which is ordered to be recorded. Teste, James Calloway CFC [Transcribed from a photocopy of the original document.] FRANKLIN CO DEEDS: WHITE TO GOODE Obadiah & Lucy White to David Goode: Franklin Co VA DB6, p246-7: 03 Feb 1812, 139a This indenture made this 3rd day of Feb 1812 between Obadiah White & Lucy his wife of Franklin Co of the one part, David Goode of the county aforesaid of the other part, witnesseth that the sd Obadiah White & Lucy his wife for and in consideration .... of the just sum of 30 pounds lawfull money of this state to them in hand pd by the sd David Goode the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained sold and do by these presents bargain, sell and deliver unto the sd David Goode his heirs & assigns a certain parcel or tract of land lying and being in the county aforesaid on the waters of Chesnut Creek containing by estimation 139a more or less and bounded as followeth to wit. Beg.g at pointers in HOWSERs line run.g thence N 40 degrees W 100 poles to a black oak thence N 87 degrees W 100 poles crossing a branch to a white oak near Coals(?) Road, thence S 19 degrees W 56 poles to a Chesnut tree thence S 60 degrees W 46 poles to a Chesnut tree, thence S 162 degrees 66 poles to a white oak thence N 70 degrees E 206 poles to the Beg.g, thence the corner of the 2nd Patent Beg.g at Pointers in HOWSERs line and MARTINs and with it N 33 degrees E 84 poles crossing a branch 3 times to a Spanish oak on a branch thence up the same as it meanders to a maple tree in JAMESONs(?) line S 55 degrees W 144 poles to the old line & with it S 87 degrees E 68 poles to a red oak, thence S 42 degrees E 20 poles to the Beg.g. Together with all it appertinences there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining to have and to hold the abv mentioned tract or parcel of land with the tenements herediteryments & all and singular other the premises hereunto before mentioned or intended to be bargained and sold unto the sd David Goode his heirs and assigns forever, to and for the only proper use and behoof of him the sd David Goode his heirs and assigns free from the claim or claims of them the sd Obadiah White & Lucy his wife or either of them there or either of there heirs, and of all and every person or persons whatsoever, shall will and by these presents warrant and defend. In witness whereunto we Obadiah White & Lucy his wife have hereunto set there hands and seals the day and yr 1st abv written. Obadiah White Lucy White At a Court held for Franklin Co Feb 3rd 1812 This indenture of bargain and sale between Obadiah White and Lucy his wife of the one part & David Goode of the other part, was acknowledged by the sd Obadiah White & Lucy his wife. The sd Lucy being first privately examined according to law, voluntarily relinguished her right of dower in and to the land and premises conveyed by the sd indenture which is ordered to be recorded. Teste, James Calloway CFC [Transcribed from a photocopy of the original document.] FRANKLIN CO DEEDS: WHITE TO GOODE Obadiah & Lucy White to David Goode: Franklin Co VA DB6, p245-6: 03 Feb 1812: 257a This indenture made this 3rd day of Feb 1812 between Obadiah White & Lucy his wife of Franklin Co of the one part, David Goode of the county aforesaid of the other part, witnesseth that the sd Obadiah White & Lucy his wife for and in consideration of the just and lawfull sum of $269 - lawfull money of VA to them in hand pd by the sd David Goode the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained, sold, and do by these presents bargain, sell and deliver unto the sd David Good his heirs & assigns a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county aforesaid on the head branches of Town Creek containing by survey 257a and bounded as followeth towit, Beg.g at a Spanish oak in STEPHEN STONEs(?) line thence new lines N 74 W 16 poles to a Spanish oak, N 50 W 36 poles to a Chesnut tree N 58 W 27 poles to a white oak S 55 W 76 poles to a gum on Rock run N 118 poles to a white oak S 45 W 30 poles to MAVELYs corner red oak, and with his line N 67 E 80 poles to a Spanish oak N 42 E 103 poles to pointers N 36 W 4 poles to a black oak in JAMESONs line, and with his line N 60 E 172 poles to MARTINs corner Chesnut tree and with his line S 16 E 66 poles to white oak in his own line and with it N 57 W 50 poles to pointers S 35 W 180 poles crossing a branch to a red oak S 32 E 82 poles crossing said Run to pointers S 15 E 52 poles to pointers N 38 E 11 poles to a white oak in HOPKINS line and with it S 12 1/2 E 20 poles to pointers in P. STONEs line and with it N 65 W 34 poles to a black Jack S 41 W 60 poles to the Beg.g. Together with all it appertenences thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to have and to hold the above mentioned tract or parcel of land withe the tenements, herediteryments & all & singular other premeses or interests to be bargained & sold unto the sd David Goode his heirs and forever. To and for ther proper use and behoofs of them the sd David Goode his heirs and assigns free from the claim or claims of them the sd Obadiah White & Lucy his wife or either of or either of there heirs or assigns & of all and every person or persons whatsoever shall will & do by these presents warrant and defend. In witness whereunto we Obadiah White and Lucy his wife have hereunto set our hands and seals this day and yr above written. Obadiah White Lucy White At a Court held for Franklin Co Feb 3rd 1812 This indenture of bargain & sale between Obadiah White & Lucy his wife of the one part & David Goode of the other part, was acknowledged by the sd Obadiah White & Lucy his wife. The sd Lucy being first privately examined according to law, voluntarily relinguished her right of dower in and to the land and premises conveyed by the said indenture which is ordered to be recorded. Teste, James Calloway CFC [Transcribed from a photocopy of the original document.] SOURCE: USGENWEB, Submitted by Charles Hartley
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 11:38:19 +0000

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