OBIS REPLY TO BIANCA: THE CRIES OF A HERO DRUNKARD!! Everyone knows today that APGA is not what it used to be..... Peter Obi. Hmmmmmm....I wonder what APGA used to be under Peter Obi for 8 years!! With just one state to show and no prominent Igbo membership, what made that party better under Obi than it is today just a few months after he lost leadership??? Is Obi invariably asking us to put a merit stamp on mediocrity? For 8 years Obi couldnt build APGA into a party that could attract the courtship of other big parties for a coalition. In 8 years, Peter Obi only succeeded in making APGA the 9th LGA of Bayelsa state. For 8 good years, Peter Obi couldnt summon the courage of presenting an APGA Presidential candidate! Tinubu did all this with his Yoruba ACN which today holds an enviable position as a group to reckon with in the ACN/CCC union which gave rise to APC! This is what was expected from Obi as APGA leader! Now he is shedding crocodile tears of not being wanted? Who, for heavens sake will want a non-achiever?? Any head of house hold who becomes unwanted in his house barely a month of leaving that position, certainly failed as the head of that household! It is very clear that Obi, from the word go, never fully settled his mind to genuinely work for APGA. All he was after was to use the opportunity provided by that party, to seek his selfish political ambitions. And because of that, he preferred sabotaging APGA through his acrimonious and half-hearted leadership! Obi can go to blazes as he has already sold cheap whatever little integrity he had. But he must understand that anyone who runs away from a tedious challenge of leadership today, will always live to run away from tedious challenges everywhere!! Not a curse, but the reality of life!!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 14:49:39 +0000

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