OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++ Expected Questions MODEL SET-3 ,B. Tech THIRD SEMESTER EXAMINATION OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++ Full Marks - 70 Time: 3 Hours Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the reaming question. The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks for the questions . Q.1 Answer all the questions: (a) What is smart pointer? (b) How many access specifiers in C++? (d) What is void pointer? (e) Differentiate between Classes vs structures. (f) What is the difference among public, protected and private members of a class? (g) Why the Internal data members of a base class declared protected instead of private. (h) Difference between static member function and non static member function. (i) What is Anonymous Class? Give one Example. (j) What is Anonymous Object? Give one Example. Q.2 (a) What is the difference between local object and global object. (b) What is an abstract class? Explain the use of abstract base classes in C++. Q.3 (a) When do we declare a member of class static? What is a class? How does it accomplish data hiding? (b) Can class members/ methods be private? Can they be public? Which ones are accessible to methods outside the class in which they are implemented? Q.4 (a) How many ways we can pass Object as Function Argument? Explain with the help of examples. (b) What is Static Object? Explain with examples. Q.5 (a) What is friend function? What are the characteristics of friend function? Write a program by using friend function. (b) Write a C++ program to find out factorial of a number using Recursive member function. Q.6 (a) Which operators cannot be overloaded in c++ and why? (b) Operator overloading and function overloading Q.7 (a) Write a program which reads a complex number, increment real and imaginary part of that and display(Overload pre increment (++)operator). (b) Differentiate between Overloading of Unary Operator – (unary minus) & ++ (pre & post) with help of program. Q.8. (a) Write a program in C++,Overloading Memory Management Operator (new & delete operator). (b) Write a program in C++, Overloading Input &Output operator (>> ( insertion) ,
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 16:40:05 +0000

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