OBJECTIONS AND ANSWERS ON GRAVES OBJECTION 1 Narrated Aisha Siiddeeqa Radiyallahu Anha and Abdullah bin Abbas Radiyallahu Anhuma When the last moment of the life of Allahs Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam came he started putting his Khamisa on his face and when he felt hot and short of breath he took it off his face and said, May Allah curse the Jews and Christians for they built the places of worship at the graves of their Prophets. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was warning (Muslims) of what those had done. (Bukhari, Book 8, Hadees 427) ANSWER The above Hadees proves that it is Haraam to alter any grave to be a Musjid, construct a building on it and performing Salaah in its direction. This is what is intended by the Hadees. The meaning of make the graves Masjids refers to when the graves themselves were made the Qibla and Sajda was performed towards them. The commentator of Sahih Bukhari, Allama Ibn Hajar Asqalaani writes, Baidaawi said, Because the Jews and Christians used to prostrate in respect towards the graves of the Prophets, make the graves as Qibla and read Salaah towards them, they had made these graves similar to idols, which the Holy Prophet cursed and censored Muslims from imitating. (Fath’h ul Baari) So using the Hadees related to the Jews and the Christians on their acts towards Pious Servants of Allah is a self explanation on Hadees which is Haram, Further The Hadees states, Abu Hayyaj Asadi narrates that Hazrath Ali said to him, Should I not send you on the task for which the Holy Prophet had also sent me for once? This task is to destroy any picture or statue and level any high grave you come across. Mishkaat, Baabud-Dafn The graves which Hadrat Ali Radiyallahu Anhu was ordered to bring down were the graves belonging to the Kuffaar, not the graves of Muslims. He said, I shall send you on the task for which the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam also sent me once. Those graves which Hazrath Ali Radiyallahu Anhu levelled in the time of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam cannot have been the graves of Muslims because Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used to attend the burial of every Sahaabi, and the Sahaaba Ridwaanullahi Alaihim Ajmaeen never did anything without consulting the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Thus, all the Muslims graves which existed in that time were either made in the presence of Rasoolullah or with his full consent. Based on this, which Muslim grave would have become impermissible and necessary to level? Yes, the graves of the Christians were high. OBJECTION 2. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam states, Do not journey to any direction except for three Masjids, Masjid ul Haraam (Makkah Shareef), BaituI Muqaddas (Jerusalem) and my Masjid (Masjidun-Nabawl in Madina Shareef), Mishkaat, Baabul-Masaajid ANSWER This Hadees means that a person attains more reward for Salaah in these three Masjids. A good deed in Masjid ul Haraam is equal in reward to 100,000 and a good deed in both Baitul Muqaddas and Masjidun-Nabawi is equal to 50,000. Therefore, coming to these Masjids from a far with this intention is allowed because doing so is beneficial. However, traveling to any other Masjid besides these (thinking that reward is more there) is totally baseless and impermissible because the reward in all Masaajid is equal. So, traveling to another Masjid with the intention of increased reward is what is being stopped. If the Hadees is not interpreted in this manner, then all of the traveling which are proven from the Holy Quran will become Haraam. Today, journeys are undertaken for business, in search of knowledge, worldly affairs and other reasons. Will they all become Haraam? Some Ulama have said that Masaajid are what being discussed here. In other words, journeying to any other Masjid besides these three is not permitted. Places other than Masaajid are separate from the discussion of this Hadees. (Ash’ath ul Lamaath) If The Graves of The Muslims are to be destroyed as per the idiotic thought of The Wahabis, then how come The Grave of Our Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was built and later was repaired in the First Century Hijri? Narrated Urwa: When the wall fell on them (i.e. graves) during the caliphate of Al-Walid bin Abdul Malik, the people started repairing it, and a foot appeared to them. The people got scared and thought that it was the foot of the Prophet. No-one could be found who could tell them about it till I (Urwa) said to them, By Allah, this is not the foot of the Prophet but it is the foot of Umar. (Bukhari Book 23 Hadees 474) CONCLUSION The ruling of traveling is related to its aim. In other words, it is Haraam to travel for something that is Haraam, permissible for something that is permissible, Sunnah for something that is Sunnah and Fardh for something that is Fardh. For example, Hajj is Fardh, so journeying for it is also Fardh. At times, traveling for Jihad or business becomes Sunnah because they are Sunnah practices themselves. Traveling to visit Rawla Shareef of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is Waajib because the visting itself is Waajib. Traveling to meet friends, join functions of weddings, etc. of family and friends or to consult doctors, etc. is permissible as these things are allowed. And finally, traveling to steal or vandalize is Haraam because these acts are Haraam. In short, if you want to know the ruling of a journey, you should look at the intention behind it. Urs is chiefly defined as visiting the grave, and visiting graves is Sunnah. Therefore, it will be counted as Sunnah.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 17:15:38 +0000

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