OBSERVATION: verse 21; What would we/you consider what constitutes - TopicsExpress


OBSERVATION: verse 21; What would we/you consider what constitutes an idol? There are a multitude of material things people of our modern society worship; money, power, new car, new or bigger better house, sports/sports figures, music, Hollywood and/or TV celebrities, things that one places higher on their priorities than worship services, golf, manicuring the lawn, whatever, the list could become quite long. Anything that one puts a higher priority on/in, that takes the place of God is an idol. In ancient societies like Egypt worshipped Ra the Sun god, Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq) worshiped Nannar (the Moon god) there was a great temple (Ziggurat) @ Ur were Abram was born and @ Haran in modern day Turkey where he went after leaving Ur. All the surrounding countries of ancient Israel served false gods and so do millions of people in todays world, even America worship gods of nature. There are those who worship Mother Earth, the extremist evolutionists who place a greater value on animals, trees, all wildlife, than human beings. All these extremists are totally under Satans domination whether they believe it or not. So all who were educated in American public schools in the last 100 years or so have only been taught the religion of evolution. (continue tomorrow)
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 12:26:09 +0000

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