OCTOBER 11TH-12TH NATIONAL TOUGH MUDDER- MUD-MUD RUN- OBSTACLE RACES Good luck to all who are conquering the elements in Englishtown Tough Mudder -Mud Run | Obstacle Races The Martinezs - Melinda, Oti, Nelson, Manny, and Erica will be among 25,000 people who descended on Raceway Park over the weekend to conquer the insane,Tough Mudder, an extreme obstacle course dubbed 11-and-a-half miles of total Hell. A boot camp for civilians that takes most people about three hours to complete.There is no time limit, and there are no WINNERS..... Tough Mudder History Tough Mudder is an endurance event series in which participants attempt 10–12-mile-long (16–19 km) military-style obstacle courses. Designed and created by British Special Forces to test mental as well as physical strength, obstacles often play on common human fears, such as fire, water, electricity and heights. The main principle of the Tough Mudder revolves around teamwork. The Tough Mudder organization values camaraderie throughout the course, designing obstacles that encourage group participation. Participants must commit to helping others complete the course, putting teammates before themselves, and overcoming fears. The events are untimed, and an average 78% of entrants successfully complete the course. The first Tough Mudder challenge was held in the United States in 2010. To date, more than 1.3 million people worldwide have participated in Tough Mudder events. Tough Mudder was co-founded in 2010 by Will Dean and Guy Livingstone, both British citizens living in New York. Dean had developed the idea for the company while studying at Harvard Business School, where the concept was a semifinalist in the school’s annual business plan competition. It has been widely noted that Will Dean took the idea from Billy Wilson and his Tough Guy races.Dean and Livingstone held the first Tough Mudder event on May 2, 2010 at Bear Creek Ski Resort near Allentown, PA. Promoted exclusively through Facebook advertising and word of mouth, the event drew more than 4,500 participants. Two additional 2010 events were held in Northern California and New Jersey. The next year, 14 events were held throughout the United States. In 2012, 35 events were held in a four countries. Tough Mudder, as a company, is worth $70 million. On May 2, 2013, Tough Mudder announced that it had reached one million total registrations since it started in 2010.The company had more than 700,000 participants in 2013, with events in the U.S., UK, Australia, Canada, and Germany. In 2014, beyond the NorCal 2014 (April 13/14, 2014), the company will also be expanding to Ireland and New Zealand,with an 18–20-kilometre (11–12 mi) military obstacle course in Auckland, NZ. Course The typical Tough Mudder course is 10–12 miles (16–19 km) long and features 20–25 obstacles. There are six different courses, including the Arena, Backwoods, Open Range, Off-Road, Mountain, and Muscle courses. Terrain type varies from course to course; natural features of the land at each venue are incorporated into the course design.Past venues have included ranches, motocross tracks, and ski resorts. The list of obstacles also varies from course to course, though there are several “signature” obstacles at almost every event, including: Arctic Enema: Participants plunge into a dumpster filled with ice water, dunk underneath a plank that crosses the dumpster, and pull themselves out on other side. Electroshock Therapy: Live wires hang over a field of mud that participants cross through. Funky Monkey: A set of incline and decline monkey bars over a pit of cold water. The bars are slicked with a mixture of butter and mud. Everest: Participants run up a quarter pipe slicked with mud and grease. Not as signature obstacles: Electric eel: Participants slide on their bellies through mud, frigid water or, even worse, a layer of ice while electric shocks hang overhead. Berlin wall: An 8–12-foot (2.4–3.7 m) wall that participants scale. Boa Constrictor: Participants pass though narrow pipes and mud. Walk The Plank: 15+ ft (4.6 m) high jump, from on top of a platform, into freezing water. In 2012, Tough Mudder founded an off-site “Obstacle Innovation Lab” in New Jersey, where the company designs and tests new obstacles.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 13:49:02 +0000

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