OCTOBER 17, 2014 @ 7:05 PM Surah 9 would inform these fools that - TopicsExpress


OCTOBER 17, 2014 @ 7:05 PM Surah 9 would inform these fools that there is a fury in the hearts of Muslims to be quieted against those thought to be unbelievers, apostates, or infidels. In fact, it is the destruction of those identified as such by Islam that is the sure confidence it is allah that is punishing unbelievers. Surah 9:14 and 15 makes pointedly clear Muslim hearts may only be healed and the fury removed by such destruction. Others under protection of any other treaty are not free from destruction. It is all at the whim of the Muslim allah and the what ever the alleged violation might be. Indeed, surah 9 obliged Muslims to honor those they had treaty with as a matter of Muslim righteousness, and in the same passage required them at the end of the treaty term 4 months later, to destroy the very same people protected, except they repent, establish prayer, and give zakah (alms in support of Muslims only). Further reading illustrates security was not guaranteed even under those circumstances. Muslims may not take fathers or brothers as allies if those fathers and brothers are disbelievers. If Muslim were to do so, it is that Muslim who would be a wrong doer. In this same surah 9, Muslims are told to fear the execution of allah’s command to destroy them personally, if family members, dwellings, or possessions, are more dear to them than allah. All of the aforementioned are forbidden as being idols, and idol worship is certainly to be punished. Allah does not guide a disobedient people. This is perhaps the principle cause that enables so many young people in the United States to enlist themselves in the warfare of Jihad and travel to Syria. It is why we must anticipate more attacks here. The command can not be clearer: “Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture (quran) – [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.” The compulsion to destroy is made the more urgent when it is firmly rooted in their minds that it is both allah who commands it, and allah who gives the victory and causes the destruction to be perfected. A further reading of surah 9 makes clear, it is the Jews and Christians who are to be destroyed. Each are polytheists because the Jews venerate their Rabbis, and Christians venerate Jesus and Mary as associates of allah. That makes them all, wrongdoers! In fact, the Islamic Trinity is expressed as Jesus and Mary being associate gods with allah. It is wrongheaded, but nonetheless Muslim belief. ISIS is not reluctant to pursue a course of purification and aggressively murders those within Islam’s ranks thought infidel, or apostate. Their particular thrust in Syria and Iraq, is precisely to purify the ummah, and death and destruction are the immediate result. Having completed that, their attentions shall be turned elsewhere and elsewhere happens to be anywhere a Muslim foot strikes the soil. The death of Colleen Hufford is not an anomaly! It is only the beginning of more sorrows to come, and those sorrows shall be experienced widely, coming from every side and place of opportunity, yet we continue to let them build mosques, saying they are no different than any other religion or Christians or Jews. These educators shall definitely receive an education, but it shall not be of the persuasion they anticipate. They are all fools, President Dr. Robert Henry not the least of them. We are under judgement, and many do not even realize it! More heads are to roll here! REPLY randy63ism OCTOBER 17, 2014 @ 6:27 PM Green, the color of islam. If those stupid green buttons don’t proclaim their wearers dhimmitude loud and clear, then I don’t know what else will. As horrible as this may sound to some people, (and frankly, I don’t really care) I hope
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 00:57:22 +0000

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