OCTOBER 22 What lesson can we take from the parables about the - TopicsExpress


OCTOBER 22 What lesson can we take from the parables about the “thief in the night” and the master who surprises his servants with an early return? Lk 12:39-48 is a continuation of Jesus’ warning to us that we must remain “on alert”, as we do not know when our time to enter eternity will come. Both of these parables bring to light the reality of losing all that we presently are and own, in our human condition, leaving us only with the hope of our eternal prize/inheritance. The parable of the thief re-emphasizes the point made, before, in vs 35-38, that we don’t know when Jesus will come knocking. Here, though, Jesus says we must be on constant guard to prevent the danger of plunder and destruction of our souls under the cover of darkness. The thief will not announce his intent to attack. So, we must be constantly vigilant against evil because evil lurks until our “guard is down”. We must guard the treasure of faith—the gift He has given us through the salvation He purchased by His blood and sacrifice on the cross. This parable warns us that Satan comes like a thief in the night to rob us of that gift of faith. We must not deceive ourselves that we are “safe” within our worldly comforts. Jesus goes on to say that we are given all that we need from the Master, God, and all that we are given is to be appreciated and kept at the ready to Glorify God, upon His presence and appearance. This requires us to keep our homes (hearts) clean, tables ready, and hearth warm in order to share God’s love. In Mt 25-35-45 Jesus reminds us that when we tend to those in need, around us, we tend to God. Therefore, this parable drives home the point that we must open ourselves (our “homes”) to welcome God (through our neighbors) at every opportunity. Lord, you have captured my heart. Keep it strong, beating in steadfast and vigilant hope for You. May I be generous in love, bring you Glory, and see You in all I encounter.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 11:20:13 +0000

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