OCTOBER MONTHLY VIRUS WITH POSITIVE INFECTION! 1. The best University is the University of Silence (U.S), where God is the Vice Chancellor, Jesus is the Associate and Role Model while the Holy Spirit is the Leacturer. You dont graduate from this University and the certificate or proof of enrollment is your daily lifestyle. Test and Examinations are impromptu, ie you are not informed of the time and place it will take place. This evaluations comes inform of trials, tribulations, and temptations Fortunately, you can enroll into this University anywhere and anytime without paying a dime. The books needed include the Bible (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) and other Inspirational materials. Enroll today and you will be glad you did. 2. The best place to live is not USA, UK etc but living in Goss purpose for your life. 3. God is not concerned about how you pray, but most importantly is the content of the sincerity of the State of your heart, while you pray that matters to Him. 4. The best place to be always is not with friends, surbordinates nor with superiors, but in Gods presence where you will remain at your duty post till your work on earth is done. 5. It is fallacious to believe the adage which says; A truth not voiced out amounts to a lie. This is because Jesus even though He was and is God, never defended this Truth in the midst of intense pressure, for truth is ABSOLUTE. 6. The best school to attend is not Cambridge, Havard nor Toronto. But the school of thought, for as a man thinketh so is he. You can never be greater or bigger than your thought limit no matter where you conceived the thought. 7. It is fantasy and a wrong notion to believe the adage that says dont tell God about your problem, but tell your problem about your God. It counters Gods Word that says Cast your cares upon the Lord for He cares for you. 8. Stop telling people to ensure they put on the shoes of one who is no more, for we all have got our shoes to put on, to affect history, within and beyond our generation. Have you diacovered yours? 9. Full time Ministry is not you, leaving your circular job for Full Time Evangelism, for you can do so without God actually leading you but Full Time Ministry is simply, God, being fully involved in your service to humanity. You can be involved in Full Time even at your duty post. For every heart with Christ is a Missionary and every heart without Christ is a Mission field. 10. It is scriptural to declare; I shall not die but live to fulfill the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. I shall not die but live to enjoy the fruit of my labour. I shall not die but live to see my childrens children. It is also scriptural to declare; that God sometimes allows an individual to rest in peace before his or her appointed time, to prevent an unforseen evil that could derail him or her from the Faith; That a man may not actually live to enjoy the dividend of his labour, but the next generation dould be the beneficiaries; That God could still be involved when tragic and sudden death transfers a man to eternity without cause. All this is to Gods Glory. These are Inspirations drawn from Above and not from Abroad, stored in the archives of Sunday Bala Oma Lib (c)2014. For there is a Spirit in a man, but the Inspirations of God giveth him understanding NB: As we plan for 2015 General Election, we must ensure we register to vote, not with any sentiment but with sincerity of purpose. Remeber, the transformation of Nigeria is everyones business. God bless Nigeria our dear nation.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 08:57:42 +0000

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