OCW would like to thank all the fans who attended last nights - TopicsExpress


OCW would like to thank all the fans who attended last nights show! Heres a quick recap of night: OCW Friday 20th June, 2014 at Ashwood College Performing Arts Centre Results: The show opens with a vignette of last month’s show featuring Rob Terry, Briley Pierce and Mohamad Ali Vaez, and our announcers, Shannon Butler, Sean Hawkins and Jason Diba welcome us to the June 20th show with special guest Brian Kendrick. First up, Alexi Papadopoulos is set to take on OCW Heavyweight Champion Andy Phoenix’s henchman Seth Maxx. Maxx gets on the mic and asks if we missed him last time. He says that his return match is an afterthought, and what he’s really here for is to see Phoenix retain his title. Before the match can get underway, KrackerJak ambushes Papadopoulos for the second month running. He’s offended by Maxx’s assertion that Phoenix will come out victorious over KrackerJak, and so KrackerJak will begin his night by replacing Papadopoulos and taking out Maxx before he does the same to Phoenix. Seth Maxx VS. KrackerJak - KrackerJak Maxx’s brute strength is no match for the Mad Bastard, and KrackerJak emerges victorious. KrackerJak attacks Maxx with a steel chair after the match, and Phoenix rushes to his aid, realising he’s on his own tonight as Maxx is taken to the hospital. Jake Navara VS. Manny Grayson - Grayson Mr. 24-7 attempts to show rookie Grayson how it’s done in this technical matchup. While both men have impressive haircuts, the Ashwood audience aren’t feeling Navara’s ’do. The taunts come thick and fast from the crowd, much like Navara going to work on Grayson’s leg. With the referee getting involved multiple times to break Navara’s illegal holds, Grayson picks up the win with a surprise rollup. Nikita VS. Miami (with Josh Shooter & Mike Burr) - Miami Miami demonstrates impressive athleticism against fan favourite Nikita, who gave it just as good to Miami with some superb kicks heard all ’round Ashwood. With Shooter and Burr giving Miami the advantage before they were ejected from ringside, the Hardway Inc. vixen secures the win. Jonah Rock VS. Mad Dog - Mad Dog Two of Australia’s toughest wrestlers faced each other for the first time in what could be described as a clash for the ages. We saw some hard-hitting power moves and innovative high flying from the two big men, with the action spilling to the outside at one point. Mad Dog, who recently returned from a tour of Japan, gave Rock all he had, but in the end it wasn’t enough, and the South Australian came out on top. Mad Dog got his comeuppance by clotheslining Rock out of the ring before getting on the mic to lead in to intermission. Josh Shooter & Mike Burr (with Miami) VS. Vixsin & Adam Brooks – Vixsin & Brooks Last month we saw Chris Tayven come to Vixsin’s aid, and the two were set to take on her attackers, Hardway Inc., at Ashwood. With the Relentless Wolf injured, and Vixsin partnerless, Melbourne wrestling favourite Adam Brooks made his OCW debut in tag team action. Hardway Inc. continued their obnoxious behaviour towards Vixsin, throwing some terse words and underhanded moves her way. Shades of last month’s double team could be seen, however Vixsin put away Shooter with an impressive choke bomb. Cadman Turner VS. Joel Bateman - Cadman This short match proved Bateman was no match for the powerhouse from Bendigo, Cadman, even with a freshly healed wrist break. Next up, we see Nikita return to the OCW ring to assist Jason and Shannon in drawing the night’s raffle prizes. We are also treated to the announcement of OCW’s upcoming shows and their respective international guests: on August 29th Chris Masters and Carlito will be in action, followed two weeks later in Bendigo by Shelton Benjamin. They should be some explosive shows! OCW Heavyweight Championship Match: Andy Phoenix (c) VS. KrackerJak -Phoenix In a dramatic meeting between two of OCW’s biggest stars, KrackerJak and Phoenix push the boundaries of what’s legal, despite KrackerJak audibly telling the referee that he “knows the rules”—and he certainly knows how to break them. With the referee down on the outside after an accidental kick to the face by Phoenix, and another referee subbed in, Phoenix retains his title with an explosive Facebuster. In an action packed, entertaining match, Phoenix proved he’s a worthy champion without his right hand man, Seth Maxx. The Mad Bastard is understandably incensed by his loss, and drags his favourite punching bag, Alexi Papadopoulos, to ringside. Papadopoulos is having none of it, though, and rams KrackerJak into the timekeeper’s table, bloodying his head with the ring bell. Papadopoulos tells us that he’s sick of being bullied by KrackerJak, and at the next show, he’s challenging him in the ring. Cletus VS. Brian Kendrick – Cletus The last time we saw former WWE cruiserweight Kendrick in OCW, he was happily teaming with former tag partner, Paul London. This time around, however, we see a different side to Kendrick, one that takes his grievances to the crowd where he assaults two patrons! He saves his worst for Cletus though, and after a thrilling bout, Cletus remains undefeated! To close the show, Kendrick addresses the audience, saying that despite Cletus’ clear credentials, he reminds him of a Pentridge prisoner. He does concede, however, that the better man won. What’s next for the undefeated Cletus? Find out on August 29th at Ashwood! Stay tuned to the OCW Facebook page for more updates and match announcements!
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 05:29:57 +0000

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