OF DAWN AND DARKNESS--Ch. 2 Chapter 2--Briar Rose First - TopicsExpress


OF DAWN AND DARKNESS--Ch. 2 Chapter 2--Briar Rose First order of business, pack my pink and blue backpack, my aunts gave me for my birthday one year. I’m amazed at how long it has lasted. They gave it to me when I started junior high. Staring at my shelves, I try to decide. Now, which books do I want to take? “Briar Rose, thirty-five minutes.” Mom yells up the stairs again. “Hurry or you won’t have time to eat.” “Okay, Mom.” I throw the three books I pick into my backpack and rush around to try and get ready. Quick braid of my hair and that’s out of my face. Throw on my make-up with sunscreen that Mom prefers me to wear. I hate the stuff, but I burn easily, and I always prefer to walk in the sun, no matter how hot the day may be. Mom’s fault. “Briar Rose, twenty-five minutes.” Running down the stairs as I answer her, “Coming, Mom.” Appearing in the doorway of the kitchen, Mom hugs me. “Oh good, you wore the new outfit. At least that’s something to be happy about for your first day of school, don’t you think?” “Okay, yes, I have to admit the outfit is cute. Denim shorts, yellow and white striped top with three-quarter-length sleeves, and strappy brown leather sandals, thanks Mom, for picking it out. You did well.” “Thank you, I’m glad you approve.” We both giggle as we sit down to a quick breakfast. She suddenly gets this panicked look, and asks just as panicky. “Where is your backpack?!” “Right here, hanging on the back of my chair. Geez, Mom, calm down.” “Sorry, honey, I know how much you like your books.” “Right, Mom, my books?” I don’t understand her reaction, so I have to call her on it. “Mom, why are you so jumpy?” She gives me another answer, not quite believable. “I just know how much you hate the first day of school, and I wish you didn’t. You’re with your friends at least.” “Yes, all two of them. You were homeschooled, Mom. Why can’t I be? I would be fine with that.” “NO!” Flinching back, tears well in my eyes. She never yelled at me before. My breakfast finished, my hands fold in my lap. Only whispers come out of my mouth as I stare down at the table. “Yes, Ma’am. I’m sorry.” The tears don’t stay in my eyes. Mom starts crying too, as I turn and go back upstairs to brush my teeth and wait on Sam. Suddenly school doesn’t seem so bad. Footsteps follow me upstairs, but my bathroom door closes. Walking out, she’s sitting on my bed waiting on me. “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to yell like that.” “That’s okay, Mom.” “No, it’s not okay. I am so sorry.” Saved by the bell, the doorbell. “Forgiven, okay. Sam’s at the door. I have to go.” She hugs me, and I hug her tightly back, so she’ll know I meant what I said. “I love you, Briar Rose.” “I love you too, Mom.” A half-smile is all I can produce. Too many things are running through my mind. She leaves me to try and gather myself before I get in Sam’s car. From downstairs I hear Sam talking to my mom. “Mrs. Rory, is everything okay?” His voice suddenly sounds panicky. “Is Briar alright?!” Jasmine comes running in, also seeming panicky. “What happened to Briar?! I heard Sam as I was getting out of the car.” “Shh, nothing. Everything is fine.” No, everything is not fine. Why is everyone suddenly walking on eggshells around me? Now, I’m mad. I slam my bathroom door to make sure everyone knows I am coming down so they can stop with the stupid secrets. Stomping down the stairs to make sure I am heard. I hear throats clearing. Pretending nothing has happened, I am my usual jovial self, but watch it, I may bite. Sam hugs me. Good morning, beautiful. I look over at Jasmine, we both roll our eyes. So, okay, it works, Sam brings me out of my sour mood. Hes so smug about it, too, but I cant stay mad at either one of them for long. Whatever, Sam. He laughs, as he triumphantly speaks. Worked, didnt it? Yes, okay, it worked. He huffs on his fist and rubs it against his chest like hes buffing his hand. I end up snorting, laughing. Buffed that ego enough, yet, Sam? The three of us bust out laughing. Mom joins us. Okay, out the door, you three. Walking out the door Mom calls from behind us, Briar Rose, dont forget to . . . I know, I know, stay out of the shadows. Sams hand on my back and his other on Jasmines directs us out the door. I suddenly wonder why my mom has told me that every day I have walked out the door, especially with the look that passes between her and Sam. What is going on?!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 07:33:05 +0000

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