OF DIVIDED DEVOTEES IN GODS OWN COUNTRY NIGERIA. Airborne and atop the uplands and valleys, Israel presented a geographic scenery scanty of foliage, vegetal cover and very few animals in sight but yet of semi - dome shaped translucent plastic covers where sundry plants were being nurtured. Rippling in my brain were the conviction of thoughts that this is Holy land of Israel, the birth place of our Lord Jesus Christ, homeland of Kings David, Solomon and a host of biblical personages but yet the confusion as to whether or not Israel truly presents a land full of milk and honey. Taking cognisance of scanty vegetation and very few animals at sight, pollination by bees would sure be at very low ebb, and land full of milk could amount to slight exaggeration except such descriptions were to build hope and national consciousness for a Zionic state. At this conscious interlude, Nigeria my country came to mind, a Gods own country full of everything that nature takes to manifest manifold works of the Creator but yet along the line till date presents a picture of giant but in Goliath attire full of something but has nothing in power and candour. When our Muslim brethren also embark on both lesser and true hajj, it is the same story of Mecca being a dry land but full of gold platted streets and excellence in human management as a whole especially during the annual ritual of pilgrimage. These are holy lands Nigerians visit in thousands if not millions with accompanying foreign exchange and attendant revenue generation mechanisms by the two countries involved where tourists and pilgrims meet for attainments of their spiritual quests and of course, mundane additions. At home, Nigeria never is assumed or connoted as Gods own country, Nigerians do not assume holiness neither do they think of their fatherland as being one.and with this warped mind of always only attaching holiness to other lands and their peoples, Jews and Arabs in particular, we seem lost in non appreciation of the fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man. We seem lost in admitting the Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent nature of God and so when we even offer prayers to God, One and only God of every living being everywhere, the devotees are so divided in thoughts and conducts to such an extent the decorum for linking with the spirit nature of God are so mundane and entrapped in sentiments and complexes. Over the superiority or/ and inferiority of who truly is worshipping the true God, the Nigerian devoted devotees of religions are more and most adherent to dogma, creeds and tenets of their religions at the outward levels than being united in spirit and truth with God at the inward levels. So we are a very religious country but least creative, constructive and convincing that God truly exists to the unbelievers and the doubting Thomas in our midst. For every act to prove the existence of God our actions omit God while in our selfish and mundane acts and actions we commit God wrongly and lace our evil deeds as acts of God in our myopic and mundane religious sentiments. Several times we had the opportunity to strike good deal with the Creator we allow fiendish religious sentiments dash our hopes and aspirations, in all things God forbids as sinful to Him if we allow Conscience, The Eye of God in the Heart of Man, to preside and support, we fumble and feeble in true holy ideals. We, all in our religious persuasions are united in corruption, maiming, killings, inordinate ambitions, political and economic despondency to such a state of being inhuman in all forms and being animalistic in every manner. Where then is God, how holy is Nigeria and what determines a Gods own country? I concur with a mystic sage who once opined that, There is no holiness in any place and anything except the one mans mind attaches holiness. Similarly, a Muslim mystic goes further to say In pure heart the true mosque is built and not the ones built of stone. Nigerians are daily building houses of worship, consecrating the roadside warehouses as Churches and building Mosques inside their houses for family, group and communal worship yet, with impure hearts, the holiest of places are getting desecrated and bastardised in thoughts, words and conducts. The question still is, is Nigeria Gods own country? Yoruba people in cognisance of what or/ and how a spade is called submit that Bi oni igba ba ti pe igba re, la nba pe that is it is how you market your calabash that it is purchased. If you like you call it a glittering calabash or call it half broken, there is always a price to pay. Should Nigeria get burnt because of the religious sentiments of the divided devotees? My opinion is neither the Jews, Christians nor Arabs created you and I for the purposes of why we are here and born in this part of the world, created by same Creator as such I have the conviction that Nigeria is the one Gods own Country to which we must pledge our loyalty, strength and faith. Arise O compatriots, Nigerias call obey. Though tribes, tongues and religions may differ,in brotherhood we should remain under the auspices in FATHERHOOD of GOD. Peace Profound..
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 15:59:26 +0000

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