OF INTEREST FROM THE KERENS TRIBUNE, JUNE 27, 1941 The Long Prairie Cemetery Association will have its annual picnic at Ferris Grove this year on Thursday, July 10. Mrs. Lonnie Crawford and Miss Cecile Ross were Corsicana visitors Monday. This edition of the Kerens Tribune announces the celebration activities for the 60th anniversary of the founding of Kerens, including a complete program of activities. Too many activities to list, but notably there was a presentation by the Crazy Water Gang, which seems to have been a singing group. Also, there was a crowning of the Sweethearts of Henderson and Navarro Counties with presentation by Presbyterian minister Joe Everheart. Two suspects are being held on robbery of Bruner Chevrolet Co. Two youths, who were alleged to have held up and robbed Bruner Chevrolet Company at Kerens about midnight Tuesday were apprehended in Athens early Wednesday. (With the help of bloodhounds; they didn’t fool around with criminals back in those days!) There will be a registration of all young men who have reached the age of 21 since October 16, 1941, up to and including, July 1, 1941, by the selective service system, it has been announced by government officials. Registration of those eligible in the Kerens area will be held at the Kerens High School on Tuesday, July 1st, and Lon McCluney will have charge of the Registration. The paper included a detailed history of the Methodist Church in Kerens. The church was founded in 1891, and the first church building constructed in 1892. “The Preston Owens, Nobles, Cherrys, Mayos, McCormicks, Inmons, and many other families were prominent in the work at this time. “Special mention is here given to the faithful work of Willie Noble Hines, who with her parents, was present at the first session of Sunday School in the new church and who served faithfully and loyally the church she loved as pupil, teacher, and pianist for nearly fifty years, until her death in 1937.” The Women’s Society of Christian Service met Monday, June 23, at the home of Mrs. Alvin Inmon, with Mesdames J. A. Inmon and Tillman Reed as co-hostesses. Mrs. Keen was the leader for the afternoon and as such conducted the devotional service. Other program participants included Mrs. Will Tally, Mrs. Andrew Tally, Mrs. C. C. Sessions, and Mrs. F. H. Massey. On the afternoon of June 15, from 2 until 7 p.m ., Mrs. Clifton Seale was honored with a party for old friends and classmates of T.S.D. in Austin, by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Andrew McClung. E. K. Howell is clearing out his entire stock of used cars ranging from ‘30 to ‘41 models of Fords, Chevrolets, and Plymouths. “Before you buy a used car or truck it will pay you to look this stock over. (Those cars would be worth something as collectors’ items today!) Navarro Theater is showing “Triple Justice” with George O’Brien, “Four Mothers,” “Dr. Kildare Crisis,” and “Zeigfield Girl,” plus “Colorado” with Roy Rogers on Friday and Saturday. (I am wondering if any of those are available on Netflix!) There is a long story about Dr. G. H. Sanders, “one of the best liked but least seen men in Kerens.” This is a long and interesting story about Dr. Sanders, and one time soon I will type out the entire story which should be of great interest to people from Kerens. A few teasers: Dr. Sanders was a graduate of Baylor for both B.A. and M.D. degrees. He married Bessie Coates from Kerens. He had as two hobbies “photography and arguing with Dr. Hoffer.”
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 07:27:56 +0000

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