OF LAPLAP AND OUR FUTURE J Kachere Honorables, that calamity - TopicsExpress


OF LAPLAP AND OUR FUTURE J Kachere Honorables, that calamity has befallen Malawian is no longer CIA top secret. From where things stand, we might as well start singing the famous poem by WB Yeast titled The Second Coming. In this poem he says, among other lines mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, the centre can no longer hold, things fall apart. For those who do not partake in the public affairs business, here are some of the highly disturbing events that are currently taking place in our great Republic The Judicial Staff have been on strike for over a month now therefore rendering one arm of government unfunctional. The Parliament supporting staff are threatening to down their tools if their wages are not adjusted upwards with a significant percentage. The university of Malawi dons are threatening a major sit in with their supporting staff already on sit in demanding a pay hike. The ACB is tussling with the government over the same hikes and has given the government an ultimatum to adhere to their demands or else they are going to sit in. Mzuzu University has sent home all its government sponsored students following a mayhem on meals and accomodation allowances. College of medicine has indefinetly been closed following a fierce fight with government over issues of money. Large parts of Blantyre and Lilongwe city continue to have their taps dry. The list of undesirebles is infact too long for me to list everything here. From the look of things, it is evident that the government is under panick and I as someone with all the five senses, I am not feeling sorry for the President. In an already crumbling economy, his administration decided to give hefty hikes to MPs, ministers, his Veep and himself. If this is not sending the Malawi economy six feet under, then someone better tell me what it is. Looking at all the above, one wonders what exactly is the fate of us the youth of this country. The government is in a lockdown and nothing seems to be working and whats worse, the chaps in power seem to have no clue on how they can resolve these issues. We have a government that is simply running under the whim of Gods mercy. The decisions that have made us get to this point were obviously made with no regards to the future of the youths of this country. I mean, look at how they demonized the calls by unviversity of Malawi students to have their stipend increased? Look at how unfriendly the polcies put forward are to the youths? It is extremely difficult for the younger generation to access a bank loan let alone a decent job, the old guard have taken all to themselves. With no intention of insulting any political leader and with all due respect to the current leasership, it is wise to say that six months down the line, the current administration has proved to be a total goof. While public universities are crying for funds, the first lady decided to swindle Malawians of five million Kwacha that she got from NAC for a project that has nothing to do with her Beautify Malawi(Beam) project. As if that is not enough pain in our wrong hole, the Dausi led NIB and the much politicised Mulhako wa Alomwe decided to dip their dirty little fingers into NACs pockets rendering the AIDS commision almost penniless and subjecting millions of HIV patients to a looming doom. It sickens my mind to think that over the years, it seems that all that we have ever been good at is being used by old folks to gain their poltical mileage. Look at all the administrations from Kamuzu up to now. The youths have constantly been used to instigate vilolence and lawlessness. To make matters worse, it seems like there are very few organisations that are willing to rally their support towards youth empowerment and leadership. Let us take the University of Malawi as an example: Today, the university has three quaters of its student population going to bed on an empty stomach and waking up to a lousy breakfast because their food stipent is too minimal. The unima council decided to increase its tuition by a very disturbing percentage all at once, without actually giving any hoot about where my niece who hails from Kajizinge village in Usisya, Nkhatabay will get such tuition fees from. The council and its colleges are renowned for closing the colleges to intimidate students whenever they want to raise their demands. The list is again endless. There is a word that is normally used at The Polytechnic, Laplap which literally means dodgy. What the authorities have done so far, is to dodge the people who can put Malawis broken pieces together these are none other than us, the youths and have decided to leave us in the cold to face the everlasting north pole winter. While we face all this, we must always remember that the very future is in our hands and it is time to claim our destiny. Let us say no to Laplap. God bless Malawi, God bless the youth.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 08:53:28 +0000

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