OF THE TWO BLOODS; THE VISIBLE BLOOD OF JESUS SHADE IN THE EARTHLY JERUSALEM KINGDOM PORTRAYED BY THE OLD COVENANT BIBLE ORDINANCES OF DARKNESS THAT TEACH THE EARTHLY JERUSALEM KINGDOM THINGS WHICH ARE COPIES AND SHADOWS OF REAL HEVENLY JERUSALEM INVISIBLE THINGS AND THE INVISIBLE “BLOOD” OF WORD (LAMB OF GOD) PRESENTED BY REVELATION KNOWLEDGE OF GOD THROUGH THE NEW COVENANT BIBLE THAT REVEALS HEAVENLY JERUSALEM KINGDOM INVISIBLE THINGS; WHICH OF THE TWO BLOODS TAKE AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD? Heb 9: 14-23, JOHN 1: 1: 12,1 John 5: 7-8,Gal 1: 1-15, 2 Corinth 5: 16-17. Use KJV Bible. The “blood” of the family of heavenly Jerusalem kingdom that cleanses the consciences of souls is not seen by human carnal knowledge or physical eyes because only the worthy and chosen souls are cleansed by washing of the blood of the “blood” (relationship) of God through the New Covenant Bible ordinances of light that are read and interpreted by the knowledge and wisdom of Spirit of God. Those are born into the heavenly Jerusalem kingdom are washed clean by the “blood” or RELATIONSHIP OF THE INVISIBLE GOD which is figuratively the invisible “Blood” of the Spirit of God. 1 John 5: 7-8, Heb 9:1-14 …18-23, Heb 10: 1-9. Blood of Goats and bulls in verses 1 to 9 of chapter 10 and Psalms 68: 29-30 represent people. Use KJV Bible. Those who are born of believing the earthly Jerusalem Kingdom physical human blood of jesus, believe in the blood of jesus that was shade on the cross in Israel of the Middle East, more than thousand years ago. They believe in an earthly Jerusalem KINGDOM the physical blood of jesus a copy and shadow of the real heavenly Jerusalem Kingdom “blood” of the Lamb of God, (Son of God) that was slain at the foundation of the world and is RESURRECTED in the last days. Heb 1: 1-2. The Holy Spirit “blood” of the Son (TRUE WORD INTERPRETED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT) was slain at the foundation of the World and was made a DEAD WORD OF FLESH that is interpreted in many different ways of the human carnal knowledge(s) and is resurrected in power in the last days to become the RESURRECTED New Covenant Bible ordinances of Light that gives eternal life to WORTHY AND CHOSEN souls by GOD that are enabled by God see with their UNDERSTANDING THE RESURRECTION OF HIS SON FROM THE DEAD WORD OF THE OLD COVENANT BIBLE ORDINANCES OF DARKNESS THAT KILLS SOULS AND WHILE IN A DEAD STATE AS THE OLD COVENANT BIBLE, HE (DEAD SON OF GOD) MINISTERS AMONG THE DEAD SOULS TO THIS DAY OF 2014 onwards. 2 Corinth 3: 5-6…12, 1 Peter 4: 1-6….18, 2 Peter 2, 1 John 5: 7-8. Compare 1 John 5: 7 and 1 John 5: 8, 2 Peter 1: 10-11. Use KJV Bible. Those who are born of the knowledge of believing in the story of the earthly Jerusalem ministry of jesus in the Middle East, believe in the visible jesus as their savior and king. We believe in the invisible GOD’S “blood” of the LAMB of the WORD OF GOD that ministers hope for and assurance of the heavenly Jerusalem Kingdom by revelation knowledge through the old covenant Bible and New Covenant Bible ordinances of light. This is work of Word assigned to the Word during the His earthly Ministry among the dead souls by the old covenant Bible teaching the earthly Jerusalem Kingdom visible things and by the New Covenant Bible teaching the heavenly Jerusalem invisible things “Blood” of the Word of the Spirit of God first among the dead souls and then after resurrection is interpreted by the Holy Spirit all over the world being “sprinkled” (TAUGHT) EVERYWHERE IN WHOLE WORLD TO BECOME THE PROMISED NEW COVENANT BIBLE ordinances of light to take away the sins of the World and gives eternal life souls but only those that are worth and are chosen by God. Those who are born of the knowledge of physical blood that is passed on from our Bible fore fathers teach a copy of the heavenly Jerusalem KINGDOM “blood” who is the Spirit of the invisible God. Heb 9: 18-23, John 16: 1-18. Heb chapters 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13. USE KJV Bible. Those who believe the story of visible crucifixion of jesus, believe in the visible god of this world who is taught and is mistaken to be the invisible God of heaven because he is mere copy and shadow of the heavenly invisible God. Was really Jesus who was crucified physically in the Middle east the same invisible God. Absolutely he was not the invisible God because the Spirit of God in John 1: 17-18, says that no physical eye of a human being has ever seen the invisible God at any time. Who ever believes that jesus that was crucified in Israel to be the Invisible God believes an error. 1 Corinth 15. Use KJV Bible. Jesus in human form was not the invisible God nor does he have the same status as the invisible God according to 1 John 5: 7-8..12. The teaching that jesus of the Middle East was INVISIBLE God and savior is a lie. The visible Jesus was / is and will remain a copy of the invisible God although jesus uttered the inspired words of God being manipulated by the invisible God to speak that are recorded in the old Covenant Bible in the four “ gospels” of Matthew, mark, Luke and John scriptures. The utterance of the invisible God through jesus of Israel in the Middle East does not make the visible jesus the invisible God as the majority of carnal knowledge people teach and believe. Jesus words are recorded in the handwritten Bible and therefore can be interpreted in two ways, either in A) in human carnal knowledge understandings or B) by the knowledge and wisdom of the Holy Spirit of Invisible God. It is only by the Holy Spirit interpretation of jesus’s words, in knowledge and wisdom of God, that can make one understand the true meanings of words uttered by jesus of Israel of the Middle East as is plainly interpreted by the Holy Spirit in the following verses 1 John 5: 7-8, Gal 11: 1-15, 1 John 4, 1 John 5: 7-8, Isaiah 45: 7-8. Use KJV Bible. Those who believe words of jesus that are the handwritten in the old Covenant Bible because being taught in human carnal knowledge, believe in the old covenant Bible ordinances of darkness. But if the very words of jesus recorded in the old covenant Bible ordinances are interpreted in a new way by the Holy Spirit, then we are enabled by God to interpret and discern the word of jesus recorded in the Old Covenant Bible in a new way that reveals differences between who is the invisible God of heavenly Jerusalem KINGDOM and who is the jesus, the visible god of this world. 2 Corinth chapters 4 & 5 noting verses 16-17 of chapters 5 . Use KJV Bible. The preaching that jesus that preached and was crucified physically on the cross is same as the invisible God is against what God commandments. In the first commandment, we are commanded that we should not worship other gods besides the invisible God. For us who teach the Bible by the revelation knowledge of the invisible God, preach that the historical earthly Jerusalem KINGDOM VISIBLE things that happened in the Middle East which are recorded in the Old covenant Bible ordinances of darkness from Genesis to Revelation including the crucifixion of visible jesus are copies and shadows. The visible things of earthly Jerusalem include the visible physical blood of jesus which was shed physically by Jews when jesus was crucified on the physical cross. Gal 3. The Jewish jesus’s blood was shade according to old Covenant Bible ordinances of darkness from Genesis to Revelation that teach earthly Jerusalem visible things from Genesis to Revelation which physical blood was a visible copy and shadow of the invisible “BLOOD “ of the invisible God of heavenly Jerusalem Kingdom. Gal 4: 21-28, 1 John 2: 7-8, 2 Corinth 3: 5-6...13-15, 1 John 5: 7-8. Use KJV Bible. THE INVISIBLE “BLOOD” of the invisible God is THE WORD OF GOD INTERPRETED BY GOD HIMSELF THROUGH THE OLD COVENANT BIBLE AND THE NEW COVENANT BIBLE WHICH IS CALLED THE BLOOD OF LAMB OF INVISIBLE GOD IN THE OLD COVENANT BIBLE AND IN THE NEW COVENANT BIBLE that takes away the sins of the world including the grave sin of serving Satan instead of serving and worshiping the true invisible God. John 1: 17-18, Rev 5, 2 Corinth 3:5-6, James 1: 18-21, 1 Peter 1: 14-25, Heb 1: 1-2.v 21.Use KJV Bible. Without the BLOOD of Spirit of God through the NEW COVENANT BIBLE THAT ENABLES US to interpret the Bible Word in the knowledge and wisdom of God, the physical visible blood of jesus of the Israel of the Middle East, that serves as a copy of the Blood of the Spirit of God, can not take away the sins of the carnal knowledge people of worshiping and serving Satan in their human carnal knowledge(s) of FLESH because the carnal knowledge people cannot worship and serve the TRUE invisible God because they are not yet born of / washed by the heavenly Jerusalem Kingdom Invisible “Blood” of the family of the invisible God done through the New Covenant Bible ordinances of light. The true invisible God is worshiped and served by only those who are given the knowledge and wisdom of the Holy Spirit of invisible God to enable them interpret the Scriptures in His wisdom and knowledge. The carnal knowledge people that teach earthly Jerusalem historical visible things which are mere copies and shadows cannot worship and serve the invisible God. The carnal knowledge people serve and worship the a copy and shadow that veils the invisible heavenly Jerusalem God. John 4, 2 Corinth 4: 1-8, Heb 10: 1-9, Heb 9: 1-8….14..... John 1 : 12...17-18, John 16: 1-20, 1 John 5:7-8, Gal 1: 1-15. Use KJV Bible.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 19:20:26 +0000

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