OFFERINGS Part 3- The Spiritual War Effort Dear - TopicsExpress


OFFERINGS Part 3- The Spiritual War Effort Dear friends, We are living in a very intense period of time …..Kabalistic wisdom teaches us that one person is an entire world and has the ability, if they go deep enough, to transform the entire world [in the process of transforming their own]. In the spirit of the spiritual war effort, unconditional love , reaching out and personal and cosmic healing----so needed at this very vulnerable time, I want to offer a free 1 hour session in one of the following areas \ offerings…. To anyone who feels that one of these areas could be your way of personal and global transformation---please FB message me BTW---Though, as you can see, these are full length programs, but I hope in our session, we can , besides giving you a good taste of the particular realm we work with, I hope to be able to share with youa self contained ‘package…. Another BTW-----I also want to offer to anyone who might be interested the following possible offerings---FINDING YOUR BSHERT, HOW TO ‘PARADISE’ YOUR MARRIAGE, HOW TO PARADISE YOUR PARENTING, HOW TO TAP INTO YOUR CREATIVE GENIUS, HOW TO FIND AND CARRY OUT YOUR CALLING IN LIFE , HOW TO PARADISE YOUR JEWISH OBSERVANCE, HOW TO BRING G-D INTO YOUR LIFE ALWAYS IN ALL WAYS, HOW TO OPEN UP YOUR AUTISTIC CHILD’S COMMUNICATIVE SKILLS AnD INNER GENIUS THROUGH THE USE OF AN RPM LETTER BOARD AND ANYTHING ELSE THAT YOU’D LIKE…… HERE’S THE REST; 1. KABBALISTIC HEALING a. we will bring the Arizals teachings about healing, cosmic breakage and Tikun, and we will then learn a few workable healing principles and formulas based on these teachings b. we will bring numerous examples, strategies and tools all illuminating for us ways to heal that which is broken, unify that which is scattered, and enlighten that which is darkened in our lives and in our world 2.. THE KABBALISTIC WISDOM OF RELATIONSHIPS a. we will examine and translate Kabbalistic sources dealing with; 1. male and female paradigms and relationships 2. other primal relationships inside and outside of the family unit b. well learn how to leverage your strong traits to effectively cope with difficult people and difficult relationships c. paradising relationships---how to uplift and inspire a standard relationship thereby bringing out the best in you as individuals and as a unit 3. SEFIROTIC ALIGNMENT THERAPY [S.A.T.] INCLUDING THE NEW PSYCHIC ENERGETIC ANGLE a. practical techniques for maximally alligning and actualizing the 5 levels of our psyche; 1. spiritual 2. self actual 3. accessing wisdom 4. interpersonal 5. closure and healing b. the psychic enrgetic angle features a new list of techniques and exercises designed to open up and utilize our psychic and intuive powers [all brought within the above context of S.A.T.] 4. APPLIED KABBALAH well cover Kabbalahs major topics including; Tzimzum creation process, Tikun, Sefirot and more as follows; 1. well learn the simple text-book explanations 2. well translate these topics into the classic conceptual areas of Divine providence and the human psyche . well show how these templates shed light on all areas of our lives [applied Kabbalah] 5. PRERARING YOURSELF FOR THE GARDEN OF EDEN a. The reality of paradise in the future life and in the present life b. practical shortcuts for getting there including; 1. Torah learning 24\7 2. paradising and maximally P.L.U.G. I.N. to living NOW 3. helping to bring the many to righteousness 4. identifying and maximally living your calling in life 5. being a Divine messenger for Tikun Olam [rectifying the world] 6. living inspired; not settling for less than a 90% level of inspiration 24\7 6. TEACHING 3 OF MY FAVORITE AND MOST SUCCESSFUL APPROACHES ARE; A. THE MASTERS APPROACH-------We will seek to master the wisdom of our Sages—both contemporary as well as ancient…..We will mainly use a text approach and focus on developing learning and language skills according to need B. THE TORAH IN EXILE APPROACH-------We seek to integrate and inform various secular and spiritual wisdoms with the wisdom of Torah and Kabbalah [thereby redeeming or bring these wisdoms back home to their source] C. KABBALISTIC CONSULTING-------We will harness the wisdom of Kabbalah to guide and inform many types of disciplines and wisdoms and sciences and art-forms and professions etc…. 7. . LIFE TOOLS FOR ALL OF LIFE’S CHALLENGES I WOULD PROVIDE YOU WITH A TREASURE CHEST [100S AND PERHAPS 1000S] OF LIFE TOOLS , MEDITATIONS, RECIPES AND HEALING STRATEGIES THAT I’VE COLLECTED FOR AS LONG AS I CAN REMEMBER [AND I STILL COLLECT]------ FOR VIRTUALLY ANY CHALLENGE OR GOALS THAT COME UP IN YOUR LIFE Blessings, yitzchak
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 13:53:04 +0000

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