OFFICE OF THE LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION THURSDAY, 18 DECEMBER, 2014 Nicholls’ deficit blowout blamed on everyone but himself: Pitt Shadow Treasurer Curtis Pitt said Queenslanders were sick and tired of the Treasurer blaming everything other than his own economic management for his deficit blowouts and decade-high unemployment rates. “Queensland’s economy has tanked yet the man steering the ship wants to blame everyone else,” Mr Pitt said. “It’s about time he admitted that his strategy of lying to voters before sacking 24,000 workers and making deep cuts to the budget hasn’t worked. “The fact is economic growth has almost halved under Tim Nicholls, while unemployment is at highs not seen since 2003. “The mid-year document he produced today is a trainwreck that the Treasurer’s done his best to hide in the week before Christmas. “Even after the Treasurer changed the key budget metric from an operating balance to a fiscal balance, he has delivered a half-billion dollar deficit blowout. “Growth of 2.5% in 2014-15 is much lower than the 4% growth under Labor (in 2011-12) and follows growth of 2.3% in 2013-14. “New data released today by the ABS also reveals statewide youth unemployment has again increased to 14.1%, with some areas of the state around 20%. The Cairns regional youth unemployment rate is now 21.3%. “Mr Nicholls’ legacy as Treasurer is that under his watch, Queensland kids are finding it harder than ever to get a job.” Mr Pitt said Queenslanders could expect more harsh cuts from a re-elected Newman Government. “Last election campaign the Premier and Treasurer promised no job cuts, and they made no mention of the devastating cuts they would make to frontline services and community groups. “The LNP’s cuts have hammered our economy and forced the private sector to stop hiring. “Mr Newman and Mr Nicholls will say anything prior to an election, then they will make vicious cuts that take the legs out from under the economy. “We need to get rid of Campbell Newman and get Queenslanders back to work. “When it comes to jobs and the economy, you simply cannot trust Campbell Newman and Tim Nicholls.” Media contact: 07 3838 6716
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 09:37:22 +0000

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