OFFICE OF THE MDC PRESIDENT Sunday, 19 January 2014 The - TopicsExpress


OFFICE OF THE MDC PRESIDENT Sunday, 19 January 2014 The Office of the MDC President has seen a video showing a very frail looking Robert Mugabe, with his family, at what appears to be wake for his sister. While this Office extends its condolences to Robert Mugabe and his family at this time, as is per our tradition, it does seem odd that in an effort to address the question whether the President is dead, Zanu PF has decided to exploit his sisters funeral to show Robert Mugabe barely able to sit down on an otherwise very comfortable sofa, the intention being to suggest that this discomfort was because of the death of his sister and not his debilitating illness. This Office will also not comment on suggestions that the Robert Mugabe we saw in that video, falling over the sofa, is in fact a dead but thawed Robert Mugabe, pulled out of the fridge and brought along precisely for the photo op. It is a sad indictment against the Zanu PF Kleptocracy that sombre occasions like family bereavements must be used to spin a political end. Yes, not many people that have lost a sister, a brother, a son, a parent etc to Zanu PF will sympathise with Robert Mugabe for the luxury of having a family member die through natural causes and not political murder, but still, our culture says we all come together when one of us suffers a loss, so we do sympathise. But our sympathies should not be abused by this shameful attempt at propaganda. The Robert Mugabe we saw on that video clip is clearly not dead, but he is clearly not well, and could very well be dying. They can try and sugar coat it whichever way they want, but then again denial is very early on the five stages of grief. Chinja!
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 20:13:35 +0000

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