OFFICE OF THE MDC YOUTH SECRETARY GENERAL Harvest House 44 Nelson Mandela Avenue, Harare Tel (04)-793250, 0778 073 674, 0773 014 390,email; mdcyouthassembly@yahoo MDC –T Youth Assembly Statement on the Glenview Five detainees We demand the immediate release of all the MDC leaders who remain in illegal political detention ahead of the harmonized election The Glenview case began on the 29th of May 2011. The outcome of this case has been extraordinarily long-drawn out and much interrupted for the obvious political connotations which this case bears. The youth assembly held its national council on the 9th of July 2013 at Harvest House in Harare. Regarding the above case the assembly noted the below stated observations and resolution: Observations Justice Bhunu has and continues to deny MDC-T leaders bail arguing that they are flight risks. The five who remain in illegal detention are Last Maengahama, Tungamirai Madzokere, Rebecca Mafikeni, Yvonne Musarurwa and Simon Mapanzure. Rebecca Mafikeni is reportedly seriously ill and has been transferred to Parirenyatwa hospital. After spirited efforts by her lawyers, Justice Bhunu reluctantly agreed to allow her to be transferred to hospital for medical attention. Consistent with the wholesale arrests made at the outset of the case, the police have randomly effected further arrests on Tarisai Kusotera and Jackson Mabota (October 2012) are the MDC-T Youth Assembly chairperson and deputy chairperson, respectively, for Glen View South. They were released on bail on 7th November 2012, and are awaiting developments. Paul Gorekore (April 2013), an MDC-T youth leader and former councillor, was arrested on 2nd April, taken to court two days later, and remanded in custody. A bail application has been lodged in the High Court but not yet heard. It must be stated that a false warrant of arrest has been generated accusing Gorekore of skipping court session. This is obviously designed to create grounds to deny Gorekore bail. Further ZANU PF cruelty reared its ugly head when the University of Zimbabwe used the Glenview case to deny Solomon Madzore his right to education arguing that he faces criminal charges. Resolutions The assembly wishes to put it on record that it is dismayed by the catalogue of persecutions and injustices arising out of this case. The denial of Madzore his right to education has no connection in any way with the case that is before the high court. In any case, it is trite that every accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. The UZ therefore has proven beyond doubt that it is in connivance with ZANU PF elements that are abusing the law to persecute its political opponents. The assembly is disturbed by Justice Bhunu`s spirited attempt by to ensure that the accused who are currently in detention should remain so at whatever cost. In this regard, Justice Bhunu has put himself in bad light as far as his professional record is concerned. It boggles the mind why there has been no expeditious conclusion of his judgement. The nation awaits justice to be done. Further, the assembly demands the immediate release of those who remain in what we consider to be illegal political detention. The accused must be released before the elections scheduled for the 31st of July 2013. Justice Bhunu can continue to author the judgement in his laisefaire approach while the accused persons are out on bail. In conclusion, the assembly reiterates that all the people arrested in the Glenview case are innocent victims of political persecution. It is a political ploy to weaken key structures of the party ahead of the harmonised elections, and destroy the party’s capacity to mobilize and protect the vote. After failing to arrest members of the public who were involved in the Glenview skirmishes, the police simply targeted and rounded up known MDC leaders in the area and arrested them. As further disclosed by both state and defence witnesses, the state`s case is weak and of no basis. In the Madzore case for example, after one full year of detention, the state witness admitted to having concealed Madzore`s alibi. In the Maengahama case the police simply arrested anyone on sight who had a Maengahama surname. This is unacceptable!!! Vote for Morgan Tsvangirai, Vote for Justice!!! Promise Mkwananzi Secretary General 00263778073674
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 10:39:35 +0000

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