OFFICIAL DATE. NAS Fort Worth JRBs Open House event has been - TopicsExpress


OFFICIAL DATE. NAS Fort Worth JRBs Open House event has been confirmed for May 9 (Saturday). The event will center on the official commemoration ceremony. All secondary event proposals, such as the C-130 incentive ride, flyovers, static displays, lunch, Vietnam reenacters, class car show and military vehicles, etc., will be welcomed additions. Note: Flyers and social media to publicize the event are forthcoming. CEREMONY. The installation will hold the commemoration ceremony on our flightline. A distinguished Vietnam veteran will be asked to be a guest speaker. The ceremony will be held in the late morning and brief in duration, so as not to allow the summer heat to affect the participants or guests. Those participating in the formation will be treated to a welcome home as their families greet them at the end of the ceremony. . All Vietnam veteran participants will be given the option to join in a service branch specific platoon formation or stand in the spectator area with their families. . The Texas Air National Guard Band will support the ceremony with patriotic music and Vietnam War era Motown classics. . Active-duty representation for each platoon and a Joint Color Guard will be requested to provide support. . Vietnam War era static aircraft directly behind the formation. . Medical responders will be standing by for emergency assistance. Notes: . Committees consensus: static formation - no marching! Although, the Marines are standing by to offer a close-order drill refresher. . USO may support with Mobile Unit and live-feed video broadcast. VW CAR SHOW. A vintage car show would give our Vietnam veterans and their guests an opportunity to stroll through memory lane. Note: No cash prizes allowed for car show winners, but trophies brought by local vets groups ok. Rolls Royce and Corvette Car clubs to support. More to follow. FIRE BASE FORT WORTH. Staffed by professional VW reenacters. A handful of supporters have volunteered Vietnam War era vehicles and equipment for the base event. Working with Austin-based Texas Military Forces Museums Living History Program. WALL -VW Traveling Walls are currently unavailable or out of budgetary constraints. Alternative: Ronnie White is a Navy combat veteran who is able to recall all the names of the fallen from the Vietnam War Wall and write them down in one sitting. (Pending contact) CHOW PLAN - Answer pending from local organization. Alternatives: . Vendors similar to an airshow. (Preliminary discussion with MWR) . USO may support with refreshments and volunteers TxANG SUPPORT . BAND - The band can also play Vietnam War era Motown classics! Proposed duration: 0930 - 1200, to cover pre and post ceremony. . C-130 - 50 passenger by-name manifest due on 17 Feb (the date of the next VW50 meeting). Each participating organization will submit a wish list of Vietnam Veterans, listed in priority. The number taken up from each organization will depend on the overall number of participating organizations. TxANG does not require a medical screening, but recommends that participants check with their doctors prior to the flight. If the flight is disapproved, TxANG may just taxi the aircraft from one end of the flightline to the location of the ceremony. Participants will egress the aircraft from the rear ramp and join their fellow service members in the ceremony. MEDICAL - Medical and emergency services will either be staffed fully by NAS Fort Worth Fire Department paramedics or shared by local Fire Departments mutual aid agreements. GUEST SPEAKER - Request to contact Gen. Kicklighter to ask for our Guest Speaker. Alternates: Pending BOOTHS - Requests for representation for the VA, Base Retirement Officer, Texas Veterans Council, and service-specific funeral information for spouses. Local companies offer a streamline booth service for each group to pay $250 for booth - but requires $10K to set up. Unlikely to fund/support. Alternative: Base JAG inquiring on liability statement for 501(c)3 NFI Organizations to bring their own. STATIC A/C - Separate email working group. Thank you for your time and support! S/F! Rusty Baker NAS Fort Worth JRB Public Affairs Officer [email protected]
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 04:41:10 +0000

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