OFFICIAL REPLY TO HEADLINES SUCH AS WARDINA SALAHKAN PENGARAH FILEM 1. The headlines made are GRAVELY DISTORTED to my original content and is incredibly misleading. I call the writers to be RESPONSIBLE and accountable of what they write as this is a VERY WRONG misinterpretation of what I said. 2. NO WHERE did I explicitly mention the FAULT of bullying lies in the FILMS but said the films we watch especially films that are aggressive in nature MAY play a role in aggressive behavior. 3. I CLEARLY stated that the root cause lies in the upbringing of children and early development which are the result of parental upbringing and must take into account the history of the child. 4. I only called upon filmmakers to be more responsible in the films they choose to produce. If you are OK with the array of gangster films and feel it has no role in influencing the young I too choose to respect that. 5. I have high RESPECT for all filmmakers in Malaysia and think they are incredibly capable AND creative, they make wonderful films, yes including the gangster ones, but I say lets try make more inspirational films (there are already) for our young as well because... 6. Media influences our cognition and thoughts. WE ALL must play a part in combating bullying, yes that includes, me, you, teachers, government, parents and this include the media. 7. Why does gangster films of the West not as dangerous as the local ones? Because it is about THEM. Audiences do not relate as much. Being able to relate to a model would produce higher effects of retention and subsequently modelling of the behavior if the opportunity arises. Can we understand this please? I am sure WE all care about the younger generation. Bullying cannot be pointed to a SINGLE FACTOR as its cause but has multiple factors which must be taken into consideration including the culture of the society present. I call writers of blogs and reporters to be more RESPONSIBLE and STOP misinterpreting whatever I say or anyone for that matter to serve your own personal agendas such as trying to get a higher rating or reading. It is just not nice. Have some respect and I personally feel we shouldnt be treating others with such disrespect. That is very 1) Irresponsible 2) Unethical That is why comprehension (pemahaman) is a subject we learn in school. I am VERY sick and tired of being misinterpreted with such low, irrsponsible headlines such as Wardina SALAHKAN..... etc. ANY reporters who writes irresponsible headlines such as WARDINA SALAHKAN PENGARAH FILEM have a comprehension problem and are giving a FALSE and misleading information to the general public and I am extremely disappointed with it. DO NOT say what I did not say. And dont you ever put words into my mouth. I am sorry if I have offended anyone as it is clearly not my intention. Thank you and have a good day.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 22:29:54 +0000

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