OFFICIAL WARNING! Vassula Rydén (born January 18, 1942) is an - TopicsExpress


OFFICIAL WARNING! Vassula Rydén (born January 18, 1942) is an author, public speaker, and self-proclaimed Christian mystic living in Switzerland who says she receives messages from Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Her writings frequently call for people to repent, love God, and unify the churches. She has developed a large following, particularly among uninformed Catholics, who come to her lectures and buy her writings and tapes. She writes the messages in English, and has changed some writings between editions. I. In 1995, the Catholic Churchs Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) published a Notification on the writings of Rydén, saying her communications should not be considered supernatural, and calling all Catholic bishops to prevent Rydéns ideas from being spread in their dioceses. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: NOTIFICATION Many Bishops, priests, religious and lay people have sought an authoritative judgement from this Congregation on the activity of Mrs Vassula Ryden, a Greek Orthodox residing in Switzerland, who in speech and in writing is spreading in Catholic circles throughout the world messages attributed to alleged heavenly revelations. A calm, attentive examination of the entire question, undertaken by this Congregation in order to test the spirits to see whether they are of God (cf. 1 Jn 4:1), has brought out – in addition to positive aspects – a number of basic elements that must be considered negative in the light of Catholic doctrine. In addition to pointing out the suspect nature of the ways in which these alleged revelations have occurred, it is necessary to underscore several doctrinal errors they contain. Among other things, ambiguous language is used in speaking of the Persons of the Holy Trinity, to the point of confusing the specific names and functions of the Divine Persons. These alleged revelations predict an imminent period when the Antichrist will prevail in the Church. In millenarian style, it is prophesied that God is going to make a final, glorious intervention which will initiate on earth, even before Christs definitive coming, ah era of peace and universal prosperity. Furthermore, the proximate arrival is foretold of a Church which would be a kind of pan-Christian community, contrary to Catholic doctrine. The fact that the aforementioned errors no longer appear in Rydens later writings is a sign that the alleged heavenly messages are merely the result of private meditations. Moreover, by habitually sharing in the sacraments of the Catholic Church, even though she is Greek Orthodox, Mrs Ryden is causing considerable surprise in various circles of the Catholic Church. She appears to be putting herself above all ecclesiastical jurisdiction and every canonical norm, and in effect, is creating an ecumenical disorder that irritates many authorities, ministers and faithful of her own Church, as she puts herself outside the ecclesiastical discipline of the latter. Given the negative effect of Vassula Rydens activities, despite some positive aspects, this Congregation requests the intervention of the Bishops so that their faithful may be suitably informed and that no opportunity may be provided in their Dioceses for the dissemination of her ideas. Lastly, the Congregation invites all the faithful not to regard Mrs Vassula Rydens writings and speeches as supernatural and to preserve the purity of the faith that the Lord has entrusted to the Church. Vatican City, 6 October 1995. Joseph Card. Ratzinger (Future Pope Benedict) Prefect Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B. Archbishop Emeritus of Vercelli Secretary II. In 2007, Cardinal William Levada confirmed that the 1995 Notification was still in effect; he recommended that Catholics should not join prayer groups organized by Rydén. III. In 2011, the Greek Orthodox Church officially disapproved of Rydéns teachings, instructing their faithful to disassociate from Rydén. Announcement On Vassula Ryden By The Ecumenical Patriarchate The Orthodox Church, following strictly the shining example and teaching of the Holy Apostles, the teaching of the Fathers of the Church who have their succession, and the divinely-inspired decisions of the Ecumenical Synods, safeguards as a pearl of great price the faith of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church which the Christian plenitude experiences through their participation in the Sacraments and entire spiritual life of the divinely-founded ecclesiastical body. Hence, whatever movement and improvised tension, personal or collective, in contempt or in breach of the dogmas of the Orthodox Christian faith and life in Christ within the Church as the only path for the salvation of our souls, all the more the self-proclaimed supposedly charismatic personality, is rejected always as an unacceptable innovation. In this spirit, and for the beneficial protection of our pious Orthodox plenitude from dangerous spiritual confusion, who do not know well matters underlying the risk of delusion, we denounce from the Mother Church Vasiliki Paraskevis Pentaki - Ryden, widely known as Vassula, and her organization founded under the title True Life In God which rashly and frivolously proposes teachings based on the supposed direct dialogue between her and the Founder of the Church Jesus Christ our Lord, and those conquered by her and the supporters of True Life In God, which deviate arbitrarily from the God-given teaching of the Church, but also scandalize the Orthodox phronema of pious believers. Hence, we call upon the proponents of these unacceptable innovations and the supporters who maintain them, who henceforth are not admitted to ecclesiastical communion, not only to not be involved in the pastoral work of the local Holy Metropolis, but also to not preach their novel teachings, to prevent the appropriate sanctions under the Holy Canons. We express, lastly, the profound sorrow of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of the acts of some - fortunately few - clergy of the Orthodox Church to be found at talks of the said Vassula and give to her a certificate of Orthodoxy. At the Patriarchate, the 16th of March 2011 Of the Chief Secretariat of the Holy and Sacred Synod Translated by John Sanidopoulos IV. In 2012, the Church of Cyprus said that Rydéns teachings were heretical. See: THERE WILL BE NO ADVERTIZEMENT OR POSTING FOR THIS HERETIC. SHE HAS BEEN DENOUNCED BY ROME,CONSTANTINOPLE AND CYPRUS. THOSE WHO DO SO WILL BE REMOVED.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 15:27:28 +0000

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