OFM RHEMA FOR LIVING FROM THE DESK OF OUR SPIRITUAL FATHER, GODS ORACLE, APOSTLE (PROF) JOHNSON SULEMAN FOR YOU TODAY FRIDAY 26TH DECEMBER, 2014. TOPIC: WHERE IS MY HONOUR (PART 3). SCRIPTURE READING: MALACHI 1:6 (KJV). The question of the moment is where is my honour? says the LORD of Hosts to His Priests. Priests have been clearly defined in our yesterday study. God is not a talkative, but whenever He repeats an issue several times, He means business. WHY IS HONOUR SO SPECIAL TO GOD? Honour is so special to God because it is part of HIM. Please read REVELATION 5:11 - 13. When honour is removed from the combination of God, it means He is no more God. HONOUR IS SPECIAL TO GOD FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS:- BECAUSE OF HIS QUALITIES OR ACHIEVEMENTS. (GENESIS 1:1 - 31, 1 CHRONICLES 29:11, JOHN 1:1 - 14. Honour from our first study was defined as GREAT respect and admiration for somebody or something and RESPECT as a feeling of admiration for somebody or something because of their good qualities or things including you and me. The scientists according to World atlas say the weight of the Earth is 5,940,000,000,000,000,000,000 (5.94 + 21) metric tons, the Earth has about 6.5 billion population, with about 195 official Countries and Surface Area 510,066,000 sq km. land Area. He suspends the Heavens and Earth from falling without a pillar. What a great hand.! His hand made all. HONOUR HIM! I SEE GOD UPHOLDING YOU THE WAY HE UPHOLDS THE EARTH AS YOU VALUE AND HONOUR HIM. . PRAYER: My Father, My Father, as I begin to pray, May I not take You for granted in JESUS CHRIST NAME, AMEN. More Grace. JESUS CHRIST IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON! CELEBRATE AND HONOUR HIM!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 12:21:24 +0000

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