OFM RHEMA FOR LIVING FROM THE DESK OF OUR SPIRITUAL FATHER, GODS ORACLE, APOSTLE (PROF) JOHNSON SULEMAN FOR YOU TODAY MONDAY 20TH OCTOBER, 2014. TOPIC: TYPES OF HEART (PART 8). SCRIPTURE READING: MARK 4:5 - 6, 16 - 17 (KJV). THE SUPERFICIAL HEART:- In considering this type of heart, the superficial heart, we need to closely examine the Scripture quoted above:..on stony ground. The first characteristics of this kind of heart is that it is on a stony ground. It is hard, rigid and tough. It struggles to maintain its shape and form. It is pre-cast and un-adaptable. It is not permeable. Its opinions are rigid. It does not absorb from the outside, rather it forces its way to create an impression. It argues to have its own way rather submit to a simple instruction. It is always self-defensive. Even if you succeed in planting anything therein, or any instruction, it may accept only for a time but it does not go deep down. A man with such a heart says well let me just keep quiet, but I have my own mind, there is no need for further argument, lest Im painted the black sheep; but I know exactly what Im going to do. May the Lord deliver you if you are such a person in Jesus Christ Name. PRAYER: LORD, I AM TIRED OF CARRYING A SUPERFICIAL HEART, CHANGE ME BY FIRE IN JESUS CHRIST NAME, AMEN.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 08:40:08 +0000

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