OH, BY THE WAY—GOD STILL HATES SIN November 15, 2014 Micah - TopicsExpress


OH, BY THE WAY—GOD STILL HATES SIN November 15, 2014 Micah 4; Proverbs 14:34 Key Verse: Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people. If you have read your Bible, then you know that God will not continue to reward disobedience with grace and mercy. We live in one of the most blessed nations of the world, yet we may be the world’s most irresponsible stewards of God’s blessings! We do not respond to the gifts of God with gratitude, thanksgiving, or personal responsibility. We respond with rebellion and wholesale denial of God’s goodness and importance in our lives. More and more Americans even deny His existence with their words or the way they live. Given that scenario, how long can we go on before God sends judgment? The Bible reveals a cycle of judgment in God’s dealings with nations and individuals. First the people obeyed and were blessed. Then they tended to become ungrateful, disgruntled, and increasingly disobedient; and God waited. When the cup of disobedience was full, God brought judgment to them like a parent who corrects a child to turn him from his wicked ways. Finally, God brought His people back to righteousness and blessings. We think that we live in a season of grace because of the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. We do, but grace is not the same as “greasy grace,” a term that describes our “no commitment, no transformation, no discipline, no boundaries” concept of Christianity. According to my Bible, God was still striking people dead in the season of grace if they dared to lie to the Holy Ghost! (See the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5.) Do not think that God has developed a tolerance for deceit and disobedience just because you are a New Testament saint! He still hates sin, and rebellion is still as the sin of witchcraft. If you are waiting for “the right time” to take the kingdom to the streets, there is no better time than now PRAYER Heavenly Father, You are holy, and You still expect Your people to walk in holiness as well. Cleanse me and purify my heart through the blood of Jesus. Make me a bold witness for Your kingdom in the midst of darkness in Jesus’ name, amen.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 06:30:34 +0000

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