OH DEAR - ANOTHER MARKETING FAILURE The problem that Friends of - TopicsExpress


OH DEAR - ANOTHER MARKETING FAILURE The problem that Friends of the Earth have is that theyre rubbish at marketing an idea. If I was trying to get the real message over to your cynical new middle class bubble dweller, Id forget the pollution aspect of fracking because so long as people dont see pollution it doesnt exist in their middle class bubble because beside which, they recycle dont they? And forget telling them about water coming out of a domestic tap that you can set on fire with a lighter because would just be a hit on a Saturday night after the pub and a curry. Loads of laughs. Id also forget telling them about the damage to our Whisky industry where if theres even the slightest outside chance that one part per 100 billion of any fracking chemicals getting into a fine malt then even the rumour of such a thing would kill the industry stone dead. They just wouldnt buy it, would they? And neither would anyone else....in the world. Id even forget telling them about the obvious health problems experienced by people living in the vicinity of fracking operations because the people of Scotland arent interested in health issues anyway. No, I would market the idea of plummeting house values. Its well known now that living within a few miles of a fracking operation causes house prices to crash. Whoops! Get it on the market now if you know theres going to be a fracking operation within 5 miles of your present location. Dont wait until it starts, that would be too late. The bozos commenting on here havent a clue. Most of them voted no or dont live in Scotland anyway so what do they know. Perhaps some of them are on here to tell you how cuddly a fracking operation is. The companies investing can well afford to pay people to comment in newspapers and on TV, they poopoo anyone who says a bad word about fracking. And there are in truth a lot of bad words about fracking. That should tell you everything you need to know. We told everyone this was going to happen on the run up to the referendum over and over again but no one was listening. I bet theyre listening for the sound of approaching heavy machinery now, arent they? If Scotland had voted yes, this would be less of a problem and lets face it, were floating on oil so why would we want any fracking operations anyway? Prepare for the fracking charm offensive coming your way on here and on the BBC. You cant say you werent warned. Check out where the licences have been granted and get that house on the market if its within say 5 miles of a fracking operation. Perhaps that wont be enough, the truth is I dont know but more importantly neither do the fracking companies and the British Govt just dont care so long as the tax revenues flow and their pals make money. George Osborne the UK Chancellor has a Father in Law who is one of the UKs leading lights in fracking. Keep it in the family, eh? Kindest regards, David Milligan Lvss scotsman/news/odd/fracking-puppet-monster-visits-scottish-parliament-1-3567104
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 20:38:05 +0000

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