OH DEAR! ANOTHER YEAR NEW YEAR, the greatest universal festival mankind has ever known!! Today is the day that conspires to bring TOGETHER the ENTIRE UNIVERSE in a dancing motion to rejoice the bygone and raise a toast to the future. Our tomorrow, is a MAGICAL LAND full of dreams, hope n madness with a wonderful someone, where we live life to the fullest n somewhere in between just may be surprise ourselves too. Tomorrow is indeed a beautiful place, one day at a time or we can say a new year with a new beginning of new chapter. Tonight is the night, that the minuscule corners of the world will get indulge in jamboree and boisterously wait for the clock to tick pass 12am, auspiciously welcoming the NEW YEAR 2015 and prosperously wishing each other a new hope, new faith. Although, it kind of a cliche that each year we celebrate new year in a same manner, So, why do we celebrate?, the uniqueness about each new new year is some years we go through a arduous period and some years we go through a congenial period, but the fact is at the end of each year this all becomes just a history, that invigorates us and gives us a new hope to achieve what we couldnt over the years. Well, to make it more intriguing, let’s take an overview of the entire year “2014”. Unfortunately (at least from my point of view), 2014 was a year cooked up of lesser highs and many blows.The rise of a deadly disease called “Ebola”, followed by the disappearance of Malaysian Flight 370, truly in a thin air, then came a Ray of joy in the form of “World Cup 2014”, with Germany prevailing over Argentina to be crowned as the World Football Champion, immediately joy was overshadowed by the brutal war between the ISIS and the Palestinians, lending grounds to the blood shed of the innocent. At the same time, Malaysian airline flight 17 crashes in Ukraine after being shot down by a missile and so does the Indonesia Air Asia goes missing over Java Sea most recently and finally how can we forget the massacre act of terrorists, killing over 100s of school children in Peshawar (Pakistan) and many more went unnoticed Ok, now let’s take a glimpse at the journey that our nation went through “2014”. Again Indian Politics was in a storming avatar itself. With hands down victory, the BJP comes into power with comprehensive win over Indian National Congress. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, trying to launch quickly and positively new generation India at the global arena giving young Indian a plenty of hope and no longer we started believing, we are moving in a right track with India’s Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) of the ISRO, successfully enters Mars orbit around the same time our nations suffer a tragic loss of life’s with a Kashmir Floods and Cyclone Hudhud destroying many parts of Andhra Pradesh . The tragedies of yesterday are the strength of tomorrow and whilst we list a flashback of all that 2014 had in store for us, no amount of ink can stress enough on how we faithfully, sincerely and ecstatically await the new beginning that awaits us all. A beginning that will restore sympathy, empathy, and love to the foremost. A beginning of forgiveness and universal democracy. A beginning that should never be forgotten. We have a new book to fill and a new journey to embark. Allow our failures to reflect in our actions, be healthy and crazy to have legit fun. Get your best suit on and prepare for the party of the universe. Dance your worries away to galaxies of possibilities and make a resolution in 2015, to walk past all those walls and find your doors. By Chewang Rinzing Lachungpa HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 IN ADVANCE on behalf of my entire family
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 21:09:39 +0000

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