OH LORD, DO NOT CONDEMN ME BUT TELL ME THE CHARGES YOU HAVE AGAINST ME Job 10:2 “I will say to God: Do not condemn me, but tell me what charges you have against me.” Sometimes we go through real tests in our lives and feel like God is condemning us. Job felt the same. Oh our tested soul, perhaps the Lord sends us through this trial to develop our gifts. We have some gifts that would never have been discovered if not for trials. Do we know that our faith never appears as great in the warm summer weather as it does during a cold winter? Our love is all too often like a firefly, showing very little light except when surrounded by darkness. And hope is like the stars—unseen in the sunshine of prosperity and only discovered during a night of adversity. Afflictions are often the dark settings God uses to mount the jewels of His children’s gifts, causing them to shine even brighter. Wasn’t it just a short time ago that on our knees we prayed, “Lord, I seem to have no faith. Please show me that I do”? Wasn’t our prayer, even though we may not have realized it at the time, actually asking for trials? For how can we know if we have faith, until our faith is exercised? We can depend upon the fact that God often sends trials so our gifts may be discovered and so we may be certain of their existence. And there is more than just discovering our gifts—we experience real growth in grace as another result of our trials being sanctified by Him. Our Brother Charles H. Spurgeon says “God trains His soldiers not in tents of ease and luxury but by causing them to endure lengthy marches and difficult service. He makes them wade across streams, swim through rivers, climb mountains, and walk many tiring miles with heavy backpacks.” Let us Soldier on Brethren, we are in training for greatness and we are making it in Jesus Name!
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 01:39:49 +0000

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