OH MY GOODNESS!! THAT IS SO RACIST..... Something I hear - TopicsExpress


OH MY GOODNESS!! THAT IS SO RACIST..... Something I hear folks say a lot of is when somebody says something that is divisive, demeaning or bigoted towards another group of people not of their own, they call the person racist.. Ive seen this a lot but what made me want to speak about this specifically today is a liberal I encountered.. On a page that has Mia Love, in a pic with her father giving her a adoring embrace, many people were leaving comments of congratulations and other words of encouragement, until a liberal comes in and says that pointing out the fact that she is the first black republican woman in congress is racist because her color should be irrelevant to her accomplishment.. After I stopped laughing hilariously at the pathetic grabbing at straws by this liberal, I responded saying in part, that this country, the United States has always acknowledged the historical context of the ethnic or racial background of a person in a major achievement because of our countrys previous mistakes where racial division is concerned. As a liberal, you are arguing counter to the liberal think that race is the primary cause for the ills of the country. Now, of course this guy didnt respond.. How could he?? I was right.. In 2008, every liberal and conservative recognized the first black president of the United States, [such as it is] and liberals were going around and saying some of the dumbest things on TV and radio... But now that its a conservative black woman making the history.. Now its racist to point out the fact, that she is black.. Only a liberal can attempt to even make such a idiotic statement.. RACISM: The purposeful act of treating someone or somebody differently that will affect their lives because of their skin color. Calling a person a name isnt racist.. It is however, BIGOTED.. Acknowledging the accomplishments of a person isnt racist.. It is a nice thing to do.. In the end, liberals will pretend that Mia Love doesnt exist because she is counter to what they preach... But in reality, liberals are upset because the state of UTAH, which is a predominately a white state, didnt consider race when they made their vote.. They looked at ideas and they voted and DESTROYED a liberal argument in the process..
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 02:39:34 +0000

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