OH NO! NOT AGAIN…OH MY! Mr.President. Mandera massacre again. - TopicsExpress


OH NO! NOT AGAIN…OH MY! Mr.President. Mandera massacre again. Thirty six people killed mercilessly.Their crime: They are non-Muslim. Why? Is this really Alshabaab? What is happening at the Coast and North Eastern Province is no longer about insecurity, our country has been invaded! It is war. The elements are internal but their strength is external. It is not just Alshabaab. It is about power, it is about political interests. It is about international interests. President Uhuru is in deep hole..you have to wage war. Bare knuckle war.No more selfies,no more PR and no more smiles and high fives.Mr President you are on your way out.Unless you do something. Someone is plotting your downfall not through a popular vote but popular revolution.Someone outside this country or probably right inside your coalition is pulling the strings.I can smell sabotage.I can sense betrayal.Kamwana you should wake up from political slumber and face your enemies head on. Otherwise,with this escalating insecurity, with this anger and all these pain.. the country is prepared to buy a revolution script.When anyone feel unsafe it is natural to look for someone who can provide his or her safety.And now everybody feels your government is not doing enough.The cry will be we want change.And this change might target the exit of your administration,Mr.President. Okey,please don’t panic..be clear minded.This war need sober approach.Do not involve anger in your decisions.Be calm and focused but only pray that Kenyans will be willing to give you that time.For I feel time is running out.The clouds are gathering..the opposition seems to have sinister motive and clearly everything is working according to their plan. You have the mantle,Mr.President. You have the mandate. You have Power. ACT! ACT FAST! Now!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 09:21:02 +0000

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