OH OH OH!! IF YOU HAVE A LOVE FOR ALL THINGS FAE THAN YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT THIS INCREDIBLY UNIQUE SERIES!! News for anyone hoping for a 4th Split Worlds novel I hope you are well and that the summer (or winter depending on where you are!) has been kind to you. Im finally recovering from all the post-surgery ailments and looking forward to a busy few months ahead. We didnt win the Hugo for Tea and Jeopardy but still had a fabulous time (and to be totally honest I was relieved I didnt have to go up on that stage in front of all of those people!). So that news that I promised... Im writing because theres something Id like to tell those of you who have been waiting patiently for news about a potential fourth Split Worlds novel. Well, the good news is that there has always been a fourth Split Worlds book lurking in my brain and I have decided to run a Kickstarter* campaign to fund its publication. I already have a team in place (copyeditor, proof-reader, typesetter) and the artist who created the first three covers (Sarah J. Coleman) is ready to add a fourth to the beautiful set should the Kickstarter be successful. I am desperately excited and also rather scared. I keep coming back to the thought that I want to get the very best book that I can out there and if enough people want to read it, then we can make this happen. I also wanted to reassure you that I wont be spamming you every day of the campaign. I plan to send you one email when it launches, one in the middle and one just before the end. I hope thats okay. I plan to launch the campaign in mid-September and have it run through to mid-October. Are there any rewards that youd like to see? Im designing the campaign at the moment but wanted to give you a chance to suggest any rewards youd like to see. Thats all for now! I will be at Fantasycon in York in just over a week (let me know if you will be there and want to meet for a nice cup of tea) and then at Bristolcon as Guest of Honour in October. Oh! That reminds me! I am delighted to be able to tell you that Ill be Guest of Honour at next years Octocon, the National Irish Science Fiction convention in Dublin. Yay! Speak to you in September! With love, Em xx *You probably know already, but just in case, Kickstarter is a crowd-funding platform that allows lots of people to chip in to fund a project that the creator cannot afford to produce alone. People make pledges that are only deducted from their accounts if the target amount is reached within the time limit. Rewards are offered to pledgers in return for supporting the project. Then the project is completed and the pledgers get the final product.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 11:35:48 +0000

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