OH! OH! See what I found! Something I wrote in 2008! - TopicsExpress


OH! OH! See what I found! Something I wrote in 2008! Oh what Luck for Rulers when Citizens don’t speak Let every man make known what kind of Government will command his respect, and that will be one step toward obtaining it Henry David Thoreau- Civil Disobedience Social and political scientists like Jean Jacques Rousseau teaches us that one must study society through men and men through society, but one does not have to be a social/political scientist, nor a historian to observe men and society. Those who observe closely need not be a Sigmund Freud or a Rousseau to come to the conclusion that most of us have refrained from reality and analytical thinking and opted to give more credence to eloquence and celebrity, the new ideology of dependency that is now crippling our country today, than we give to reason and truth. We have been bamboozled and continue to be bamboozled by those in whom we put our trust everyday. Dr. Henry David Thoreau once asked the citizens of America in Civil Dis-obedience “Do we have to always resign our conscience to the legislators?” I ask it again of my people... Why did God give us a conscience then? Not to be surrendered to the service of unscrupulous men I am sure. The importance of truth and the faithfulness to conscience have become almost obsolete... It is now only what is politically expedient, personally beneficial, and not what is constitutionally or democratically faithful, or moral that matters. It is impossible for anyone who is paying close attention not to notice or even absorb the profound irony in what is happening in our beloved Dominica currently. What is even more frightening is what lays beneath the irony- The vilification of those who seek the truth and demand it. That has always worked effectively for those who seek power or those who seek to maintain power. The time has come to deny them the use of this technique. Those of us who are brave enough to be ruled by the laws of our conscience, to stand for truth and justice, and patriotic enough to dissent and make our voices heard are branded as pariahs, we are accused of being divisive, partisan, and vitriolic. By asking legitimate questions, that we have every right and responsibility to ask as citizens we are branded as trouble makers, and are condemned as threats to national security? That we threaten the stability and image of our country we all love so dearly? Oh how they would like us to just go away. It is a colossal mistake to that that those who fight for the cause of truth, justice, democracy, and people’s empowerment will be intimidated or coerced into silence. In time the vigilante and virtuous shall be victorious, the pariahs will become the prophets, and the truth will set us free. It always ends up that way! There are many examples to show, Mandela in apartheid South Africa, Martin Luther King in racist America , and Gandhi in India , to name just a few. In quite a sometimes entertaining, sometimes disappointing, and unsettling paradox the majority of us, when we really take stock of the condition of our beloved Dominica, we see those who are so unusually learned, but at the same time so unusually and sadly ignorant, and others with dubious, reckless abandon deliberately trying to instill dependency and hopelessness among our people. How long can this brainwashing of our people be sustained? The people have been willing accomplices in their own brainwashing because of a pathological desire to belong, to conform, to obey, to follow, and to let others dictate to us what we must think and how we should think it. Let them be warned “you can fool some of the people some times, all of the people sometimes, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” There are some those despite the obvious they remain willing to do the bidding of the masters, those in power, hoping to someday be rewarded at the expense of the general public. They are doing a disservice to the public good when we shield and protect the Government from scrutiny, and transparency. We must put the interest of the general public before the interest of the legislators. It is incumbent upon those the public looks up to, trusts, and depend upon not to allow the public to feel betrayed by their actions or in-actions. Now that we live in a time of serious crisis, nationally, regionally, and internationally, we need men of conscience more than we ever needed them, Men who will opt for the laws of conscience instead of the laws of man; Men who stand for justice, equality, right, and truth. Where will these men come from? More than a century ago, a man who though dead a long time ago but still commands my utmost respect said. There are nine hundred and ninety-nine patrons of virtue to one virtuous man. Today it more looks like fifty million to one. These patrons of virtue do all in their power to mislead us, and blind us to the truth. They try their utmost to engineer our minds, to make it impossible for us to think, for us to tap into of laws of conscience and to stand for truth and justice... Speak up, stand up, hold the Government accountable, because after all the Governments works for the people. The people have every right and responsibility to demand good performance and honesty in the people they employ-elect to conduct their business, and when the Government fails in what is required of them. The people must hold them accountable. This Government MUST be held accountable.. NOW!! And I ask these unscrupulous people in positions of authority to Let my people go. I ask those who the people look up to for guidance to speak about the ills that now our nation now or forever hold your peace!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:40:11 +0000

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