OH, SO HAPPY AM I TODAY!!! I have just discovered FULLY this - TopicsExpress


OH, SO HAPPY AM I TODAY!!! I have just discovered FULLY this morning how HUGE of a difference there is between condemnation of souls and Gods loving discipline and correction of His children when they do wrong. I have had such confusion going on in my mind between those two issues for such a long time now, and the enemy has been doing all he could during this time period to convince me that those two issues were one in the same thing, and that all my past and current mistakes were bringing Gods judgment upon me. The enemy kept trying to convince me that somehow I needed to earn Gods help and love, though I believed that was impossible, but I still felt I needed to somehow do it. There was a constant struggle in me between the feelings I had, the efforts I felt necessary, the beliefs I had deep down, and my lack of abilities to accomplish anything close to perfection in any area of life. The devil working overtime in my life concerning this issue has been an understatement, I can tell you ... and the fact is that truly it is ultimately ALWAYS the issue that is the basis of all his battles against Gods people!!! It is the hardest of times when you cant get rid of feelings of condemnation that make their way into the soul, no matter how hard you try, or how many times you pray for forgiveness! Even though I believed in my spirit that those thoughts and feelings of condemnation I had shouldnt be there and didnt seem like they could possibly be right, I still couldnt seem to make them go away. Somehow I kept believing that I must be saying the wrong words in my prayers or praying with a wrong heart and attitude, or something else wrong, as those despairing feelings just wouldnt leave. When I first came to believe in 2009, I did not have any of those feelings of condemnation. They had all left me when I found faith in Gods love, grace, and truth. However, somewhere along my walk of faith, the enemy battled against me so hard and gained some ground in that battle that he should have never been able to gain. That is why it is so very important that we learn rightly the gospel of grace and understand it so well, that there is NO WAY the enemy can ever make us believe or question even for a second that our mistakes could cause God to stop loving us and start condemning us!!! In my case, THANK GOD He planted a seed of faith in grace within my spirit deep down, and the Holy Spirit kept me hanging on to that, keeping me from letting go, and kept me remembering the times God had come to my rescue in the past. Those times were many, and I was no more righteous without Gods grace then than I am now, as none of us are, but God still helped me when I cried out to Him in need with humbleness and faith!!! I make many, many mistakes in life, in words and actions, though I have tried so hard not to since I got saved and still will desire and strive not to for the rest of my days. However, the enemy will NEVER be able to deceive me again in any way, shape, or form, or for any length of time or thought, in this area of faith, that I, (or anyone else in Christ), in any way, at any time, will ever have to try to earn Gods love and grace, EVER! There is truly NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in CHRIST JESUS (those who believe in Him, love Him, and accept Him as their Savior and their Lord)! NO CONDEMNATION ANYMORE, EVER AGAIN, for those who believe! And if God is for us, it will NEVER matter who is against us! And greater will our God ALWAYS be within us than he who is in the world! So take heart and fear not, beloved children of God, you are not being punished or condemned either!!! God is just using our trials and difficulties and hardships in life to draw us to Him, so that He may shower His grace upon us when we seek Him with all our hearts, in humbleness, faith, and love! He has not forsaken any of us! GOD LOVES US!!! AMEN!
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 18:41:34 +0000

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