OH UDOM! OH MIKE ENYONG! WHY ‘LUNATIC’? BY TOROBONG EKPO I read and watch on this platform how a lunatic rejected the aspiration of Udom Gabriel Emmanuel and that of Mike Enyong, by tearing the duo posters at IBB Junction, behind State secretariat. Initially, I thought it was a photo shop, but after a careful examination, I discovered that, it was nothing but the truth. Through various reactions, I discovered that, some contributors shifted blame to Mike Enyong, while others, viewed Udom as a wolf in sheep clothing. Essien Esema, a die-hard supporter of Udom, who prior to July, 31 2013 was also an ardent supporter of another gubernatorial aspirant posited, ‘I have passed that road several times and saw the posters. They belong to One Michael Enyiong who is aspiring for house of representatives in Uyo Fed. Constituency. HE decided to boost his outing by juxtaposition of Udoms picture. The ownership of the particular poster is the issue here not whether Udoms is also on it… .’ Some contributors on this issue described Mike Enyong as a man who used to ‘throw’ money like a 419ner in the early and late 90s, whenever he comes back from international outing others portrayed Udom Gabriel Emmanuel as a man whose membership in PDP is questionable, though Sammy Etuk claimed that the SSG is a clean man. I am poised to ask, can a ‘clean man’ as portrayed by Etuk mix with Mike Enyong as described by Esema and ors, without being stained? Is it possible for water and oil to perfectly mix together? If it is impossible, then Udom should be looked with a philosophical eye. I am not indicting Udom, I only insist that, for such a man to dine with people who insult Major General Edet Akpan, Victor Attah, Assam Assam, Etiebet, to mention only a few, he should be carefully and rigorously examined because birds of the same feather flocks together. On the issue of the mad woman, I refuse to believe that, the woman was insane; I rather guess that, she was an angel sent from the heavens to inform Akwa Ibomites about God’s plan in the forthcoming race towards Udom and his best friend (BABA NTAN), thus, the reason why the messenger came not in the mid night, but in the day. Udom’s aspiration is the least of my worries, after all I am neither a hustler nor a gambler. If he likes let him and his followers continue to insult Attah and Don Etiebet as they did during PDP consultation. One thing is certain, I have never seen a boy who insult his elders and still make headway in life. So far, I have seen two signs that confirm my faith in God with regard to 2015 gubernatorial election. Initially Akpabio had invited aspirants who are yet to neither buy form nor undergo screening in their various political parties for a meeting. This was not a mentally degraded act, but a sign to show that, the center cannot hold, hence, thing have fallen apart both at the national and state PDP. Today, an Angel in form of a mad woman has informed the people that God is about to wipe away the unholy generation. Maybe, God want to teach a governor what he taught his predecessor in 2006. Then, a sitting governor had succession plan and presidential aspiration, but ended up achieving none. Today, his successor is also having succession plan and senatorial ambition, don’t you think nemesis may abound? Be patriotic not sycophantic. To me, whoever poster was involved in the spiritual assignment; I wish to say that, such person(s) is identified as ICHABOD in the spiritual realm. The glory of God has departed from them. Very soon evil spirit will invade their skulls. And they will want to kill this writer, which is also the least of my worries. Some governors think that delegates are fools and subjected to ‘used-and-dump’ syndrome. As soon as he became governor in 2007, he abandoned delegates and PDP for socio-political groups such as AKPF, ADV, CAG et al. In 2011, he shunned them again for forum I-11, Uyai Iban. Today, he thinks delegates and PDP will adhere to another of your type. Udom, may be a good person, but his parley with some people calls for attention. How possible can a good man dine and wine with people whose stock in trade is to insult, Army General, senior Advocates of Nigeria, elderstatemen to mention only three. Mike Enyong on the other hand, is a man whose pedigree is akin to ‘open secret’, though I am not from Uyo Federal Constituency, but I guess that, no mad woman would have torn the posters of Ekere Afia, Ekerette Ekpenyong, Dora Ebong, Samuel Effanga and Dr. Chris Nyong. Nor tear that of Enobong Uwah, if he wanted to contest. I would not say that, Udom’s aspiration has crash land; I rather leave the submission in the mind of readers. For a mad woman to tear the posters of a gubernatorial aspirant and that of a man whose pedigree is ‘open-secret’, what is the implication of such act? I wish the CAN Chairman, Arch. Bishop Cletus Bassey or his PFN counterpart can answer this question.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 08:18:59 +0000

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