OHAJI/EGBEMA-OGUTA-ORU WEST LEADERS ENDORSEMENT OF HON. IRONA FOR FED HOUSE OF REP, NOT SURPRISING- ANALYSTS Some political analysts and pundits from across the federal Constituency and beyond have reacted to the land breaking endorsement received by Rt. Hon Engr Alphonsus Gerald Irona as he pushes on with his Fed House of Rep ambition for Ohaji/Egbema-Oguta-Oru west federal Constituency district. It is not the first time this gentleman and compasionate legislator and As a member Fed House Of Rep will be receiving the endorsement of his people for the Ohaji/Egbema-Oguta-Oru west federal Constituency race of his Ohaji/Egbema-Oguta-Oru west federal Constituency people. However this recent endorsement is crucial as it came from political leaders from across the L.G.As of the Ohaji/Egbema-Oguta-Oru west federal Constituency and from across political lines. These leaders are individuals who have paid their dues politically, socially and also culturally. They could be said to own the votes, as the people listen to them. Some analysts whose opinion I sought on the development expressed no surprise at the development as they averred that Hon. Engr Alphonsus Gerald Irona has paid his dues as a leader by concerning himself with issues bordering on solving the problems of Ohaji/Egbema-Oguta-Oru west federal Constituency people. It is their opinion that it will be a magic of the century if all the progressives from Ohaji/Egbema-Oguta-Oru west federal Constituency. do not unite behind Hon. Alphonsus Gerald Irona as he has used his position to work for the interest and betterment of Ohaji/Egbema-Oguta-Oru west federal Constituency people. It is also not in doubt that Hon. Engr Alphonsus Gerald Irona has shown himself to be a thorough bred legislator, who has a sound judgement on how to approach his assignment as a legislator. It is important to note that one of the things that has stood Hon. Irona apart from many other legislators is the fact that he does not grandstand, he concerns himself primarily, with those things he can do for the progress and welfare of his people and every other consideration comes secondary. MAY THE DREAMS OF THE JUST RECEIVE GODS ANOINTING!. Nwosu Jp henderix. +234 816 710 2164
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 12:10:56 +0000

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