OHURU KILLED KOKUYUS AS A SMEAR CAMPAIGN AGAINST RAILA. Analytical materials arising from MPEKETONI investigations now reveal a very sinister plan, well executed by members of Alsha-baab and assisted by the total absence of police.....two things are proved here... One is that...the manner the president rushed to point finger to Raila and opposition team to have been behind the attack led to a back- lash of result expected by the State house....Ohuru was left with a rotten egg on his face....and his handlers are saddened by the half baked lie they tried to sell out as the truth.... Dare not forget that US and UK and the Alsha-baab HQ, release intelligence information of the impending attack, and the later confirmed its participation.... Perception analysis......s ometime last year Mutahi Ngunyi advised Jubilee that it would be very dangerous to allow Raila to mingle with people....it is purely on this background the Jubilee was threatened by resent CORD RALLIES and wanted to contain Raila....information I gathered from insider indicated Ohuru called a meeting with his advisers mainly from central it was agreed unanimously that a few people be killed. THE soft target would be LAMU ...an Alshabaab argent at LAMU was contacted by one of Jubilee leaders who leads in parliament and is a Muslim...and the whole saga took shape...it was planned to coincide with CORD rally at Tononoka...and the highest command was to deal with suppression of orders to the Junior officers at LAMU so as not to respond to plight of the sheep earmarked for butchering...(K OKUYUS) I wish to inform the public that the buck of security of the nation stops with the president...or it starts there, then to kimaiyo, internal security matters and to Gichange, for intelligence matters and to the armed forces chief in that order....
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 05:42:30 +0000

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