OK - so here is my update for today. I met with my surgeon this - TopicsExpress


OK - so here is my update for today. I met with my surgeon this morning and the news was extremely frustrating. Due to vein incompetence, the LVA procedure he wanted to do would not provide any relief or healing. While I REALLY wish they had done this vein study BEFORE working so hard to get insurance approval and BEFORE I lined up all of my subs for my meetings to be off work, that is behind us. The only thing he can do at this time to provide a reduction in the swelling and some reduction in pain and discomfort is liposuction on that leg. This will NOT correct the lymphedema. It will temporarily reduce the swelling and ease some discomfort but we will have to then rely on therapy and compression. This is concerning to me because of the cost for physical therapy through my insurance. We have to submit ANOTHER request for insurance approval and THEN schedule surgery. The never-ending battle of this illness is emotionally and physically draining. Please pray for a quick and positive response from my insurance company and getting this scheduled soon. I have been in an extreme amount of discomfort especially over the past month with the move and getting settled in to the new house. Leh MassageTherapy I am going to be relying on your for massage help with the discomfort. Thank you everyone for your prayers!!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 03:17:49 +0000

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