OK, Anthony G. Brown...Ive intimated, and stepped right up to the - TopicsExpress


OK, Anthony G. Brown...Ive intimated, and stepped right up to the line of calling you not too bright, but this video forces me to say it outright! I have been asking close friends whether they thought you and your handlers were SO confident in winning that you all just didnt care how bad it looked that scathing comments were left up on your Facebook page, or whether you all were incompetent. I wondered still until I saw this video of you. Sir, with all due respect, you and your handlers are simply too clueless to even be in contention for the job of Governor, let alone actually sit at the desk! Its one thing to demand that NO questions be asked about the botched website during your debate at WJZ. Thats pathetic enough. But, to stand and have the gall, (and give your opponent ammunition to slam you with), to bring it up as a positive is beyond my comprehension! My mind is made up now that you and your people are just too inept to be running for dogcatcher, let alone the highest office in our great state. Shame on you for having the misplaced ego to run. Shame on you for not seeing that your boss doesnt even campaign for you....doesnt that tell you something sir? But worst of all, shame on you and your handlers not seeing how bad you will be for our state, and stepping down. Theres still time to do the honorable thing! I am asking you to leave the race before Larry Hogan uses this gaffe to utterly humiliate you, and believe me...he will! It is a political silver bullet. The hay that should...and will be made with this egotistical driven blunder is going to be the reason you drop to a close second in the next polls. Go get him Larry! Go for the jugular, take off the gloves, and put this race to bed!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 09:30:59 +0000

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