OK. Going on a rant. Im sick and tired of the lunatic left - TopicsExpress


OK. Going on a rant. Im sick and tired of the lunatic left absolutely REFUSING to accept the truth what happened to Mike Shithead in Ferguson as the truth. Their abosolute denial of the evidence presented. Heres some other FACTUAL evidence of racism in America that Im sure they will scoff at: African Americans account for 49% of murder victims in America. Of these victims, 93% were killed by other blacks. Since Ferguson, 14 teenagers have been killed by police. Half were black. Which to me says, half were NOT black. Blacks account for 26% of all police involved shootings, which means 74% were NOT black. Blacks and whites were about evenly split when it comes to arrests for murders, but heres the kicker: White comprise 77% of the population of this country, while blacks make up 13%. If you do the math, this means black men are SIX TIMES more likely to commit murder. This is not racism. Its math. Dont take my word for it, look it up for yourself! THIS is why all this crap about poor, sweet, unarmed Mike Brown PISSES ME T F OFF! He was a thug! He broke the law and refused to submit to being apprehended! He got shot for being stupid! Tragic? No doubt. But dont blame the officer who shot him! Lets put some of this blame where it truly belongs! Such as: 1) with his own damned parents for failing to instill any sense of morals. 2) With the Democrat policies that encourage keeping a brotha down rather than rewarding hard work. 3) MORE Democrat policies that foment racism every chance it gets, even where none exists. 4) OUR PRESIDENT for encouraging racial discord and injecting his personal views where they dont belong. HES SUPPOSED TO DO WHATS GOOD FOR AMERICA, NOT SIC HIS DOJ ATTACK DOGS ON LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. All this crap is going to have very negative repercussions on this nation, the very first of which is that cops are going to be afraid to do their sworn jobs of protecting the citizens. The more these communities act like criminals and arsonists the less likely people will listen.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 01:43:32 +0000

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