OK HERE IS WHAT WE KNOW FOR SURE… ROMAN TIMELINE PERTAINING TO CHRISTIANITY PART 2 415 CE - Jews are accused of ritual murder and the Church confiscates or burns synagogues. 419 CE – The Canon list was re-affirmed in councils at Hippo under Augustine. 425 CE - The first bishops are ordained for Herat and Samarkand. 428 CE - Nestorius, a monk in the Syrian monastery of Euprepius, is appointed by the eastern Roman emperor Theodosius II as patriarch of Constantinople and preaches the doctrine of two natures of Jesus, human and divine. 445 CE The emperor Valentinian III decrees that all western bishops must obey the pope. 451 CE The fourth Ecumenical Council convened in Chalcedon condemns Dioscurus of Alexandria for monophysitism (Jesus is of one nature, only divine) and affirms that Jesus was one person of two natures (both human and divine) 455 CE Roman emperor Valentinian III orders all bishops to submit to the bishop of Rome (the pope) 473 CE – The Canon was officially ratified at a council in Rome. 529-559 CE: Emperor Justinian issues laws stating that anyone not Christian is a non-citizen. Jews cannot testify against Christians. The use of the Hebrew language in worship is forbidden. The Shema is banned. Some Jewish communities are converted by force. 590 CE - The Benedectine monk Gregory I becomes Pope, the first time that a monk is elected pope 600 CE - Pope Gregory I promulgates the doctrine of salvation through confession and penance. 600 CE - LATIN was the Only Language Allowed for Scripture. 636 CE - Arabs capture Jerusalem. 663 CE – Constans II is the last emperor to visit Rome, and the city gradually slips out of imperial control. 636 CE - Arabs capture Jerusalem. 787 CE - Second Council of Nicea 800 CE - Pope Leo III crowns Charles emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and therefore introduces theocratic monarchy in Europe. 1009 CE - Arabs destroy the church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. 1071 CE - The Turks capture Jerusalem 1095-1291 CE - The seven Christian Crusades were a series of religious/military conflicts fought against Muslims, Pagans, Mongols, Cathars, Hussites any and all political enemies of the Popes. 1099 CE - The Crusades recaptured Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim rule and the furthered the Christian churches dominance in Europe and the furthered the Christian churches dominance in Europe. 1087 CE - Fall of Jerusalem to Turks. 1100 CE - Brutally tortured and executed an estimated 50 million people during the inquisition dark ages (1100’s-1808 AD) 1229 CE - Decree of the Council of Toulouse… We prohibit also that the laity should be permitted to have the books of the Old or New Testament; but we most strictly forbid their having any translation of these books. 1233 CE - Pope Gregory IX declared that all heretics be burned to death. 1234 CE - Ruling of the Council of Tarragona… No one may possess the books of the Old and New Testaments in the Romance language, and if anyone possesses them he must turn them over to the local bishop within eight days after promulgation of this decree, so that they may be burned... 1252 CE - Through sanction from Pope Innocent IV, from 1252 all the way until 1917, using torture to extract confessions was a legal option for the church. 1384 CE – John Wycliffe is the First Person to Produce a (Hand-Written) manuscript Copy of the Complete Bible; All 80 Books. 1396 CE - The English translation of the Bible, begun by John Wycliffe, is completed (the Wycliffe Bible) but is declared heretic by the Church (the Vulgate being the only authorized version) 1415 CE - The Church of Rome took an extraordinary step to destroy all knowledge of two second century Jewish books that it said contained the true name of Jesus Christ. 1415 CE - Imprisoned, starved and then burned John Hus at the stake for speaking out against indulgences. 1415 CE – Proclamations at the Ecumenical Council of Constance in 1415 C.E…John Wycliffe was posthumously condemned for heresy by Arundel, the archbishop of Canterbury. 1426 CE - Burned the famous patriarch Joan of Arc at the stake because someone said they saw her wearing men’s clothes in prison. 1428 CE - The body of John Wycliffe is dug up and then burned at the stake and his ashes were thrown into the Swift River for being the first person to translate the Bible into English. 1453 CE – Constantinople falls to the Ottoman Turks. End of the Byzantine/eastern Roman Empire. 1455 CE - Gutenberg Invents the Printing Press; Books May Now be mass-Produced Instead of Individually Hand-Written. The First Book Ever Printed is Gutenbergs Bible in Latin. 1480 CE - Conducted Medieval Witch Hunts and then tortured and burned at the stake hundreds of thousands of women who they identified as “witches”. (1480-1750 CE) 1492-1503 CE - Pope Alexander VI ordered all copies of the Talmud destroyed. 1516 CE - A Greek translation of the New Testament done by Erasmus. 1517 CE - The Protestant Reformation begins at Wittenberg when Martin Luther publishes his 95 Theses against the Catholic practice of selling indulgences 1525-1526 The Tyndale New Testament became the first printed edition of the scripture in the English language. NOTE: Subsequent printings of the Tyndale New Testament in the 1530s were often elaborately illustrated. They were burned as soon as the Bishop could confiscate them, but copies trickled through and actually ended up in the bedroom of King Henry VIII. The more the King and Bishop resisted its distribution, the more fascinated the public at large became. The church declared it contained thousands of errors as they torched hundreds of New Testaments confiscated by the clergy, while in fact, they burned them because they could find no errors at all. One risked death by burning if caught in mere possession of Tyndales forbidden books. 1526 CE - Martin Luther prints his German translation of the Bible. NOTE: The Catholic Church kept the Bible hidden from the general public for over 1,100 years. The Bible remained well known only to the church officials, clergy of all orders, and a select few well educated scholars. (400-1530 AD) 1535 CE The first complete English Bible was printed on October 4, 1535, and is known as the Coverdale Bible. 1536 CE - William Tyndale was strangled and then burned at the stake for translating the Bible into vernacular English. According to Tyndale, the Church forbid owning or reading the Bible to control and restrict the teachings and to enhance their own power and importance. 1554 CE - Solomon Romano burned many thousands of Hebrew scrolls. 1559 CE - Every Hebrew book in the city of Prague was confiscated. 1580 CE- By the 1580s, the Roman Catholic Church saw that it had lost the battle to suppress the spread of the Bible in the English language. 1582 CE - In 1582, the Church of Rome surrendered their fight for Latin only and decided that if the Bible was to be available in English, they would at least have an official Roman Catholic English translation. And so, using the corrupt and inaccurate Latin Vulgate as the only source text, they went on to publish an English Bible with all the distortions and corruptions that Erasmus had revealed and warned of 75 years earlier. Because it was translated at the Roman Catholic College in the city of Rheims, it was known as the Rheims New Testament 1607 CE – By order of King James, forty-seven men (some records say fifty four) took two years and nine months to re-write the Bible and make it ready for press. PRESENT – The Holy Roman Catholic Church that has become the largest cult in the world that is heavily steeped in paganism and false worship & false teaching and has attempted to control organized religion for nearly 2,000 years. (3rd Century until present) To be continued...
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 02:47:20 +0000

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