OK, I am suppose to do this share things about myself stuff, so I - TopicsExpress


OK, I am suppose to do this share things about myself stuff, so I guess here goes. 8 ) I was given 8 by one person and 16 by one person. We shall see how this goes. 1. Just before I turned a year old, my dad ran over me. Yes, with a car. He stopped the car on my back not knowing what was going on. An hour later, I was jumping up and down in the bed at the hospital playing with the nurses. 2. I am legally blind in my right eye. 3. I once played Marcellus Washburn, the livery stable guy who sang Shipoopi in Music Man. It was an all girls college. I looked so different, it took my parents a while to figure out which character I was. 4. I absolutely HATE raisins. I believe they are the chocolate chips of hell. I mean seriously, how many times have you gone to eat a cookie thinking it was a yummy chocolate chip cookie and you were DECEIVED!!! It was really a raisin. 5. One time I was singing Christmas music with a band at a youth event when I used to work at Christ Church Nashville and Vestal Goodman entered the building. I was asked if I would mind if Vestal sang a song with us. MIND?!?!?!? Are you kidding me? I was TOTALLY honored. VERY thankful to the wonderful Jennifer Burk Ranson for snapping a couple of pictures for me!!! 6. People think I am Sandi Patty all the time. I seriously have been asked at a gas station, in jeans and a sweatshirt, pumping my gas, if I was Sandi Patti. LOLOL 7. Scott and I are both from Alabama (ROLL TIDE). He is from Birmingham and I am from Tuscaloosa but we didnt meet until we had both moved to Nashville. 8. I AM VERY SHY!!! No seriously, I am. LOL I was always a very smart cookie, over achiever. I always made straight As, loved competing in Spelling Bees, 4H competitions. Never met a challenge. Always very involved in everything. Cheered until I could march in the band. Marched in the band a couple of years. Then was a majorette for a couple of years. The older I get though, oddly enough, the harder it is for me to NOT let the SHY Deana takeover. Once I get to know you I am FAR F.ROM SHY but going into new sitiuations with people I dont know almost makes me lose it completely. 9. I HATE MICE!!! I hate them so bad, that if you tell me you saw one, I will nearly start crying. IF you catch one, I WILL start crying. They make my skin crawl. 10. For a 4th of the year, my brothers and I are stair steps in age. Monday I will be 39 and we will be 39, 40 and 41 until March 24th when Ben turns 42. 11. I know this is supposed to be things you may not know about me, so some of you may think this one is a little weird, but believcrye it or not, there are people that I am friends with and interact with on a weekly basis who STILL miss this. MY NAME IS DEANA pronounced D-na, like TINA NOT like Dinah or DeAnna. I have been called everything from Donna, Dina, Dana to Duna. It is the mans named DEAN with an A on the end, like the A on the end of Tuba. LOLOL 12. and I am going to end here. 16 is NOT going to happen... I think tea is absolutely disgusting. Any kind of tea. The minute it hits my mouth, I start gagging. Id rather eat brussel sprouts or liver. LOL
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 06:19:12 +0000

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