OK I did own a cellphone in August 2001 . ( B4 the twin towers - TopicsExpress


OK I did own a cellphone in August 2001 . ( B4 the twin towers fell ) It was a gift from a wealthy art buyer who offered to pay all the bills forever but it started to freak me out physically because the energy from it started to move slowly like a monster through my hand and arm and head and I just wasnt feeling that vibe . I gave it back after four days . That man/angel was an old Dead Head Orphan (named Dan, born in New Denver) who used to play in a well known Improv Jam band in the Kootenay Mountains in Canada in the 60s/70s. He picked me up hitch hiking one day in an uber nice luxury vehicle . Thats the weird thing with my hitch hiking adventures...... I used to hitch around BC for years and was usually picked up in luxury vehicles and the drivers would say the same thing to me like ninety percent of the time like I cant believe im doing this..... I never pick up hitch hikers... but youre different Id never dress like a hitch hiker and my thoughts have always been quite quantum . Like attracts like . In my sketchbooks Im always writing about business plans and ideas of how to alter the frequency of Planets so its amazing what comes out of this focus . So this amazing man ( and I do believe his intent was pure) wanted to pay me around 2 million dollars/year with a one hundred dollar signing bonus that I would recieve all at once after signing the dotted line .... (he said he wanted to pay me more he said if possible if his investments went as well as planned ) in order to paint murals on celebrity rockstar tour buses . The first contract would be a mermaid themed mural for Celine Dion . I was so confused about it , because I had just been upgrading my DNA/consciousness on a pretty hardcore level while living in an intentional ecovillage, living mainly on home grown organic sprouts . My next door neighbor was Jim Merkil , Head of the Global LIving Project & Author of the famous book Radical Simplicity ( which I strongly encourage people to read ) . I was really moved by his work & kindness towards all people & nature . I really felt that signing a contract to paint murals on big huge monster buses that are fueled by big amounts of fossil fuel, maybe would be the wrong step to take for Mother Earths Ecosystems . (also this man had made a lot of his money through investing in the OIL industry and I know that we cant hate on anybody and I know were all connected but I felt sensitive towards that at the time ) So with the intent of staying true to my love my solid connection with Mother Earth , I said no thanks (after contemplating for two weeks while being treated to a really nice hotel where I was invited to live for as long as I wanted, and even invited friends over etc and fed them with a tab paid by the angel who was in the states at that time) So I said no, thinking I was doing the right thing . Now when I look back .... I realize that maybe had I raised millions of dollars, maybe the whole Earth would be full of N. Teslas designs by now .... and sometimes I almost feel guilty because I know myself well enough to know that once I have more than a few grand , I can easily turn that into endless amounts of money if i want . So far the most money Ive ever chosen to collect has been $3000.00 because for me, it has been purifying to focus on bartering and work-trade . My situations have been incredible . Ive lived in world class art studios as well as on world class beaches while camping /adventuring . I did grow up in my Grandfathers Replica of his FAV UK castle , remember, so yeah.... I just dont see the point in living in ordinary buildings that are built with lack of soul or connection with this Glorious Earth . I also dont fit into most ideas that to me feel cold or oppressive that a lot of people seem to blindly fit into . I love people though and I want to help guide movements of more EARTH$HIP construction worldwide , in order to benefit ALL . So Ive decided that its time for me to make my money , in order to rebalance the visions . My vision is to sing and paint worldwide as I do my best to encourage & support ALL people everywhere to do what they really love WITH HEART more, in harmony with what is truly in alignment with this planet and with the entire galaxy and beyond . I feel very in tune with the infinite abundance that we are all equally connected with , once we choose to allow the energy to flow and move through us as we act in harmony with positive energy . I would love to paint murals with abandoned kids in the ghettos of the world . I would love to have world class film crews come along as we film music videos of creating world class music of us doing this . I want to bring the light to every inch of this planet , for every single one . I often meet permaculture experts who seem to feel fine about the fact that half the world is suffering while some people thrive . That doesnt resonate with my vision . I want to see permaculture and clean energy technology everywhere for everyone . Thats the only true way for all to truly thrive . We are all one , after all . This has been my vision since I was a kid , and nobody can stop me . #vision
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 06:07:56 +0000

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