OK, I get really angry when the Pro-vax FANATICS lay into and - TopicsExpress


OK, I get really angry when the Pro-vax FANATICS lay into and attack parents who have chosen not to force vaccinations onto their children. You, as a parent, have one job, and that is to Carefully Consider Everything when it comes to your kids. Whatever you choose, you are taking a risk. If you are not learning as much as you possibly can about what is going into your kids body, you are not doing your job as a parent. Sorry, you just arent. If you decide that the risk is acceptable, after being as informed as possible about whatever it is, then Own your decision, whatever the consequences, good or bad. And Dont Attack Other Parents for choosing differently based on their own careful consideration! That just really really ticks me off. Oh, and the other thing that ticks me off MORE is the pro-vax FANATICS saying they wont let their Vaccinated children anywhere near the Unvaccinated kids. Are you Kidding Me?! Extreme Logic Fail! If you believe, as you say you do, that your child is Protected by the vaccines, then you have NOTHING to worry about! Stop being Stupid! Vaccine does NOT equal Weak against disease, or you wouldnt have them vaccinated, RIGHT?! THINK!! USE THAT BRAIN!!! Now, I have never been vaccinated for flu in my entire life, and have NEVER Had the flu, in my entire life. Not once that I can remember, or that anyone else remembers. So the idea that you taking the flu vax protects you from the flu is questionable. Dad never had the flu vaccine either, and also never had the flu in his entire life. Are we somehow flukes of nature? No. We have what is called Immune Systems, they have the ability to adapt, on their own, without artificial manipulation. My doctor told me I Must Not get the flu vax, as it could kill me, because of the stuff they use to make it. If ONE vaccine could kill ME, how can Any Logical person assume that ALL vaccines are perfectly safe for All people, including little children who have not yet been studied to find out what might potentially harm them, or kill them?! THINK!!! USE THAT BRAIN!! I nearly died from Valley Fever, an illness most people experience like a cold, then gain life long immunity to it, no need for a vaccine to make them immune. Unfortunately my immune system is weird I guess, I didnt gain any immunity to it at all. If it couldnt learn from the real thing, what are the odds it would learn from an artificially weakened version? Im not saying that you are a bad parent for vaccinating your kids, After Careful Consideration, and making an Informed Decision. Im saying stop attacking other parents for making a Different Informed Decision! Holey frosted donuts in tutus with light sabers that cut instant toast!!! Must find some jam. Mmmmmm.... NO MORE FIGHTING OVER VAX!!!
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 12:41:07 +0000

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