OK. I have been receiving calls all weekend asking me IF I know - TopicsExpress


OK. I have been receiving calls all weekend asking me IF I know what is going on in Talco. So here is what I know.............. Not much! But I will list what I know 1. My buddy Bruce Case is now on the city council 2. We have formed a Cemetery Association and have many plans to work on the cemetery. 3. The school building has sold and I hear that the new owners want to put her BACK as close to her original state as possible... YAY AND PRAISE GOD for his mercy, goodness and answering prayers !!! God bless the new owners !!!!! 4. A strip of buildings in the old downtown area has sold and is being renovated. AGAIN PRAISE GOD and BLESS the new owners !!! 5. Bruce Case has began a Clean up campaign that I HOPE WILL BE INFECTIOUS... He is using HIS equipment, his diesel, gas etc and donating his time to mow the school, a few empty lots, help mow the cemetery etc. GOD BLESS BRUCE! I KNOW Randy Carroll is happy for the help !!! Now here comes the tricky part........ there have been a few people looking at buildings around town. BUT I have NO CLUE IF anything will materialize from it. All we as Talcoans/Trojans who live in Talco or LOVE Talco can do is PRAY that someone will see the heart of our little town and choose to put down roots there. Talco has ALWAYS been full of people with good hearts and I will ALWAYS believe that Talco could make a come back. She isnt dead yet. Life could be breathed back into her. I have been thinking a lot about home lately... I miss Talco and I miss many of the great people who still live there .And I am melancholy dreaming of those who built our little town and who built and shaped all of us. Talco is my soft place to fall, my memories of my 40 plus years there feed my soul. I grew up in the Oil Patch Bruce said in a post he made that If we as a community do NOTHING then nothing will happen ( something to that effect ! lol ) And he is right. ! We have to work for change. FIGHT for change ONE STEP at a time. One clean lot at a time. We have to show business that we WANT them to come here.... show families that we WANT them to move here....show them that we will support them in every way a Community can. I believe that Talco is hungry for change.... so I say COME ON TALCO CITIZENS. LETS SHOW EVERYONE WHO PASSES THROUGH THAT WE STILL HAVE TROJAN PRIDE ! Lets all work on our town, our own places and lets band together and PRAY change into our beloved town ! Anyone need help... post the work day on here and I am in.... I bet many others would be in too. Hey, I will gladly sign a waiver releasing Talco or property owners from injury liability ... would you ??? Lets not let liability stop us... there are ways to get stuff done !!!! As I said , I have been told that a couple of people/ business are looking at Talco... I will NOT speculate what they are planning to do or if they will actually come in to Talco... BUT I AM PRAYING FOR MY HOMETOWN ! I have also heard the there will be an oil boom again. That fracking and fire flooding will be done in and around Talco to bring up the crude... I have no way of knowing if this is true or not. Another thing to pray about !!! Mike Sloan, Bruce Case, Randy Carroll and ALL of you serving on the City council...if there is anything I can do or any of us can do please let us know. I really believe that change is in the air, and I believe that there are MANY folks out there that want to help in the efforts whether they still live in Talco or not. OK... thats the SMALL amount of knowledge I have and what is on my heart for Talco. You ALL can stop calling and asking now lol IF I KNOW ANYTHING CONCRETE I WILL TELL YOU GUYS ! lol BUT I SERIOUSLY DOUBT I WILL KNOW ANYTHING BEFORE YOU ALL WHO STILL LIVE THERE WILL !!! I love Talco.... and I MISS what she once was and I long for her and what she could be again. PRAYERS and hugs to all my friends and family living there. precious memories of those who have moved on and those who have passed on and left us behind...... let us carry on and make them PROUD once again !!!!! Have a great day Yall !!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 13:37:36 +0000

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