OK, I have said some controversial things here before but this may - TopicsExpress


OK, I have said some controversial things here before but this may be the final straw for some of you. What Im about to say may result in some of you deciding Thats it, I cant be associated with this guy anymore...thats fine. So here it goes... If you are one of those people who goes shopping and leaves your cart in the middle of the aisle as you go 2 aisles away this way and then 3 aisles away that way, each time returning to your cart to drop something in just to leave it there and go somwehere else thereby making everyone find a way around your cart..you should know I (figuratively) hate you. You should know I long for your (figurative) demise. You should know Im the one who shoves your cart out of the way, preferably into an inconvenient location. You should know I sometimes drop new items into your cart. You should know, given the chance I will move your cart as far away as I think I can get away with. You should know you aggravate everyone else. P.S. If you also are one of those people who leave your cart in the middle of the parking lot instead of taking the extra 30 seconds to push it over to the Cart Corral.... it all goes double for you. My sincerest wish is that a gust of wind catches that cart you abandoned and smashes it into your car causing a major dent and or scratch. Literally. That is all. RELEASE THE KRAKKEN!!!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 03:37:12 +0000

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