OK, I just have to get this off my chest, and some pple of color - TopicsExpress


OK, I just have to get this off my chest, and some pple of color will be mad and thats ok,...Ive read everybody elses post day n and day out since the police brutality issue started up and havent said anything, as a matter of fact, I wasnt posting anything abt it , BUT IM GONNA SAY THIS......My Mom and I just saw the 2 police officers who were killed in retaliation on the news and I just shook my head again. YES, Its a HORROR that blacks are being gunned down and its also a HORROR that INNOCENT lives are being taken PERIOD!!!,...Whether white, black, asian,whatever,..... A LIFE IS A LIFE,......And heres my BIGGEST problem,...The cops that were killed are NOT the cops who took innocent lives!!!,..We cant be one sided and/or unfair and want pple to be fair with us. SO the cops who are actually doing the killing are laughing going free while (BLACK) vigilantes are killing pple (COPS) who have not offended anyone,.. .***And to say ALL cops are bad pple,***..Come on now, lets use our brain for a minute,...If we can say ALL cops are bad..Then ALL blacks must be lazy, shiftless, ignorant, uneducated thugs, and ALL white pple are the KKK, feather woods and arian nation, and ALL Muslims are terrorist, and ALL Africans are Ritualistic, and ALL Island pple do voodoo and ALL and ALL and ALL,...YOU SEE HOW SILLY THAT SOUNDS!!!!!,...and dont say the police are a force/group/whatever bec what they REALLY are is a GROUP OF HUMAN BEINGS, GROUPS OF HUMAN BEING FORM WHATEVER GATHERING THERE IS AMONG **HUMAN BEINGS***....So again I say,...... to say ALL cops are bad is the same as saying ALL Blacks are a bunch of no good niggas that like to sit on the stoop selling crack and drinking 40 ounces all dagone day!!!,...AND WE ALL KNOW, THATS A LIE, SO LETS USE OUR RATIONAL MIND, NOT OUR EMOTIONAL MIND FOR A MINUTE HERE!!!,.. ..Im not saying we shouldnt retaliate, but the retaliation tactics we use are all backwards as hell!!!!,..Somebody kills us ans we burn down OUR OWN neighborhood, not the killers neighborhood, but our own, ...We loot OUR OWN stores, and then expect somebody to take us serious!..And Im down for an eye for an eye,..but heres my question,..(EXAMPLE):.....IF THE TURNER FAMILY KILLS UR FAMILY, WHY WOULD YOU RETALIATE BY KILLING THE MADISON FAMILY, ...IT WOULD BE ASININE..THE MADISON FAMILY HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MURDER BUT BEC U MAD AND JUST WANNA KILL SOMEBODY , U JUST GO DO ANYTHING (STUPID).WHY NOT DEAL WITH THE ***ACTUAL KILLERS***...THATS WHAT IM SCREAMING,...THE MAN WHO SHOT AND KILLED TRAVON MARTIN HAS LAUGHED IN OUR FACES, MADE MOVIES, WROTE, BOOKS, BECAME A HERO, IS THE NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION SPOKESMAN NOW AND NOBODY EVEN LOOKS HIS WAY, BLACKS WALK BY HIM AND QUIET AS A CHURCH MOUSE, WONT BAT AN EYELID, BUT YET WE WILL GO OUT HERE AND KILL 2 COPS WHO ****DIDNT**** KILL ANYBODY AND THINK WE DOING SOMETHING,.....THATS ALL IM SCREAMING,....IM NOT FOR MURDER UNLESS ITS NO OTHER WAY, BUT IF U GOTTA KILL SOMEBODY, KILL THE KILLERS THEMSELVES, NOT PPLE WHO HAVENT DONE ANYTHING,.....(ROLLS EYES AND SUCKS *M* *F* TEETH)
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 00:42:18 +0000

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